It's an insult implying someone is a fuck who also happens to be an ass, meaning that's composed of quite possibly the most useful words in all the languages of paradox space. It also perfectly describes the majority of the nookwhiffing morons on this ship. How old are you, seriously?
[says the thirteen year old hurp durp I AM SO SORRY]
[Karkat has no idea how long sixteen human years are in troll sweeps! But he figures that means Seto is pretty old or some such. Who cares. He is too busy regretting using nookwhiffing.]
Seriously? How the fuck did they skip that part of your schoolfeeding? Forget it. Just think of it like calling someone a huge jerk but times two thousand. And if you don't know that one there's nothing anyone can do for you.
And nookwhiffing is past any human understanding. Fuck, I don't even know if your species has a nook. I guess in theory I should limit myself to more culturally accessible insults, but everything else on this ship is already pandering to humans and I refuse to be part of that.
Comments 252
[Let's just get right to the point here.]
It's an extremely low and vulgar insult. You shouldn't use it.
I don't want to insult anyone. I just was a regular word.
...Where'd you hear it from, anyway?
[Did he ever get her name? Nope.]
I heard it from a girl with blond hair. She was nice.
It's a very naughty word. Very naughty! People take offense to those sorts of words, so don't let me hear that word out of your mouth again!
I-I don't understand why, but okay. I won't say it.
[zjxnwgsjdbs - calming down. Calming down.]
Where did you hear that?
[Never ever again.]
A girl said it and she told me to ask people.
[says the thirteen year old hurp durp I AM SO SORRY]
I-I'm 16. What do those words mean? And what's nookwhiffing?
Seriously? How the fuck did they skip that part of your schoolfeeding? Forget it. Just think of it like calling someone a huge jerk but times two thousand. And if you don't know that one there's nothing anyone can do for you.
And nookwhiffing is past any human understanding. Fuck, I don't even know if your species has a nook. I guess in theory I should limit myself to more culturally accessible insults, but everything else on this ship is already pandering to humans and I refuse to be part of that.
I don't understand. We don't eat...words. The lunch room doesn't have anything like that.
Does that mean you're not human?
You can't say things like that!!!
If you know it's a bad word, why did you say it?
You're not going to use that word.
...Okay, I won't say it again.
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