[She had been thinking about it recently, about what exactly happened to Higan. It was a question always prominent in her mind. Recent events made her want to try making a connection more and more and though she knew it was risky she decided it was worth trying anyway. Her preparations were simple, she had already long ago asked to use a part of New Gensokyo for herself. It was the only place she could try such a thing, a place already shifted from reality, a world within the border of fantasy. To use the border would make it easier to try and reach Higan and if anything happened the border would prevent there being any side effects on the ship. Eiki was confidant in this.
She set up her space well anticipating and acting on every precaution. She had shield after shield around her, contingency plans for if something went astray, as she would be calling up great forces of energy to try and punch through space into another world. Even if it wasn't her Higan, she would at least make contact with some version of Hell or the afterlife. Her things were placed carefully to the side when she began, it was an uninteresting sight for those unfamiliar with the flow of spiritual power though. She was simply sitting secluded with her eyes closed, yet those familiar would notice she had a large concentration of energy about her, energy she was focusing into an even smaller more compact concentration before her. A tiny ball that would become her needle and make the door to the other side.
If things did not work she had arranged for the energy to be dispersed harmlessly, she did not assume she wouldn't fail. There was only one thing she forgot to consider, the ships improbability drive, she had covered so many bases the least probable outcome was for the situation to backfire, so of course it did.
She was at the moment of truth, she was about to send her needle through and hopefully open a space, but she could not. She met resistance and before she knew it, before any of her back ups could compensate for a potential accident, it blew up on her.]
[The guide, as they so often do, decided to come on randomly while being idle. Was this an intentional bug of it's developers? Gaining secret or embarrassing moments of it's users for entertainment? Or was it simple incompetence in design? For all one knew perhaps the guide and it's network gained semi conscious intelligence and found these sorts of things a riot. Either way the guide came on and showed Eiki sitting a few feet away. She was concentrating on something, though it was hard to tell. It was mostly hard to tell because it was only a few moments of her before something obviously went wrong.]
[It was the only sound she made before moving suddenly into a defensive position, a flash of light flared up so bright it would have been blinding to anyone who had actually been there, it was accompanied with a crash. The next moment when the light faded Eiki herself was down on the ground completely still. Her mirror which she tended to have with her always was to the side of her clearly shattered. The feed continued for a short while, but Eiki did not move the only thing that changed was the light, it started to grow darker. It eventually turned off on it's own, perhaps deciding what it captures wasn't interesting enough, or perhaps it's glitch reset and continued it's proper state.]
(OOC: Since it is past midnight and officially Friday the 2nd game time this is the start of the Sins of the Past event! You can go check out the OOC info post over
here. It will be going until next Friday!
Just a few quick notes, Eiki will not be replying as she will be out cold for the next few days, though feel free to respond to each other if you like. Those who can sense energy or magic levels might notice there is a sudden drop in one of the many presences on the ship. Eiki is noted for having a very hard to ignore aura about her in canon and right now it's all but shut down so I thought I should make note of that. Any questions feel free to comment to the OOC post.)