Does anyone know a really good recipe for a strawberry tart? I heard there can be many different types of recipe for just the one thing and I was wondering which one was the best.
Yeah! There's a bunch of stuff on here. Recipes for anything you can think of! I know I've learned a bunch of new things to make because of this thing. It's funny 'cause at first it was really confusing but it's actually pretty damn handy once you get used to it!
Especially with all the communication and talking to people on screen. I've never seen anything like it before. Back at home, all we had were simple communicators that allowed us to hear each other's voice but not our whole face.
Even those were pretty rare to get anyway, but it's like everybody has one of these Guides.
So the guide really does come in handy? I've never really used it for much, except to talk to people and that's always nice to talk to them face to face.
Though I never even done that before came here, so it's still a little weird, even now.
We can compare those!
I didn't even know the guide could do that.
Especially with all the communication and talking to people on screen. I've never seen anything like it before. Back at home, all we had were simple communicators that allowed us to hear each other's voice but not our whole face.
Even those were pretty rare to get anyway, but it's like everybody has one of these Guides.
Though I never even done that before came here, so it's still a little weird, even now.
[in fact, on comes video!]
Totally! It takes some getting used to but it's pretty nice to have for convenience and all that.
[She smiles, she never thought to use this except to talk to people before.]
This sounds like so much fun. I only know how to cook certain things, but not an awful lot involving strawberries.
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