Mar 02, 2011 21:37

A ship as large as the Sigrun is bound to have a lot of salvageable equipment laying around. The Cargo hold and the Labs especially, though according to the Guide, these areas seem to be among the most dangerous on the ship.

I have a proposition for anyone interested. If you're not feeling up to visiting the Sigrun yourself, but want something specific brought back, I'm willing to do so for a fee. Price's will be determined based on the data or item being retrieved and the location it's to be retrieved from, though I am open to negotiation.

Should a potential client wish to speak in person, I can be reached either in the hangar, or in room 4-12. Otherwise, I've attached alternate means of communication.

-Fox McCloud

[Attached to this entry is Fox's in box, which he'll be checking throughout the duration of the Thor's visit to the Sigrun. He's got a job over there this month anyway, might as well kill two birds with one stone. A mercenary's gotta make money somehow, right 8|b]

fox mccloud

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