I won't lie. I always wondered what it would be like to be in space. I just sort of figured Earth would be waiting when I was ready to go back. Funny how things work out that way, isn't it? All the effort we put in, and it's gone anyway. I'm not sure how to wrap my head around it
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[Brief pause goes here. He's lived a few places, so it takes him a bit longer to answer than you'd expect. Doesn't take too long, though.]
Small town in the mountains. You've probably never heard of it. What about you? American?
[A wide smile suddenly appears on her face and she paws at the air] Can we play a guessing game?! I'll ask you a question about your home and you gettuh ask me a question 'bout mine!
I'll go first! [Taps her chin and leans back in her chair] Ok, got it: how blue is the water?
...You're from another planet? Seriously? I never expected an alien to look so... well, human.
[Yes, human is totally the word he was thinking.]
And what's that s'posed to mean, bub? I-if you ask me, you're just as much an alien as I am!
[He'll get used to this eventually, really. In the meantime, though...]
So! What's this "Spira" like?
Spira, well, it i-was huge... there were fields that went on forever. And Chocobo racing! We used to race on the backs of Chocobos; I was really good. Heehee, I could even ride without any hands! I had an air ship that we used to travel all over Spira with- my friends and I- and at night, the stars were just so bright... You felt like you were right there in the Farplane or something. It's scary... how many memories there are. I- I don't really know where to start...
I'm not sure I know how to explain what the Farplane is... um, well, to some people, it's where a person's spirit goes to rest... Uh you can go in, if yah really want to... I never have. But, uh, my cousin- she'd tell me stories about what it's like so I guess I've just kinda got this picture in my head. [Starts to feel a little self conscious now, so don't mind the rambling.] It's not that I believe in it, you know, but... some people do...
So you, whaddyah do for fun on Earth?
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