Jan 08, 2011 17:40
[Medic took home one of the monkeys he's supposed to be training. Call it a fit of curiosity, but he wants to see how his little pet dinosaur will react to a monkey. The monkey is in a cage, while the little dinosaur roams free.]
Here ve heff an opportunity zhat no one in our time has ever had: to see how mammals und dinosaurs, such as zhis one [He shows Zuby on the counter, sniffing at the caged monkey. The monkey, naturally, reacts with fear and screeching. Medic looks at his Guide, grinning.] vould react to each ozher!
[He lifts up the door on the cage and the monkey comes out. If you have a filter enabled, you'll see a video of a monkey in a cowboy outfit riding on the back of a dog...if you don't, you're treated to a much less pleasant scene that ends up with the little dinosaur winning, a lot of blood, and a lot of screaming. Medic's laughing the entire time.]
Vhat a bloodbazh! ...Now I vill heff to explain how zhis monkey died to my employers.
red medic