[Video feed begins. Little Guy is looking pretty happy, smiling gleefully at the camera. He's in the Hospital Lobby, wearing a leather suit and designer shades similar to
what you see here, and presumably has arrived to help infected patients. But he is having way too much fun with it!
Maybe it has something to do with the hot alien secretary behind him...]
It's almost Hallowe'en and we still have some infected. But don't worry yourself, because I'm offering you all my assistance! The name's Michael Navel. I've had plenty of medical training. Technically.
[Michael takes off the pair of designer shades and winks at the Guide with charm.]
So if any of you lovely ladies need any help recovering this holiday season from th-
[He's only just noticed now that the clothes he was wearing? GONE.]
[They've been replaced with
a terribly revealing Sexy Nurse costume... And unluckily for him, he hasn't changed genders...
I'll leave the mental image to you, ladies and gentlemen.]
...Well, this is awkward.
[The feed immediately cuts. Poor Little Guy will have to run across the ship to find a change of clothes, so he's not getting a chance to change any time soon. Hospital patients, feel free to action comment, he'll still be assisting you! Anyone else, harassment is awesome.]