Challenge 70: Jon

Oct 05, 2008 20:25

[x] A link to the general rules.
[x] You may enter up to five/5 icons.
[x] Submit your icon/s in a comment on this post. The comments will be screened.
[x] If you don't want me to unscreen your comment once voting is over, let me know.

Poor Jon. Hopeless dork for years and years... and now that he's finally got Liz, he's still the same (just happier)! He is the provider of food and punching bag that Garfield requires. We all love Jon!

You may use any Garfield strip, as long as Jon is in your icon. You can find strips at the official Garfield site or at garfielddaily ^_^

Here are some strips that you could use if you want!:

Entries: 05

Deadline: Sunday, October 12th, 7.00/19.00 GMT
The World Clock


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