We always knew Ianto gave serious thought to that orgy right?

Apr 27, 2008 01:16

So at The Rift today GDL & JM were asked who would win if Ianto & Captain John got into a fight over Captn Jack...

Oh Gareth *lol* ♥

ETA: Unlocked for now, by all means link people here, just don't repost the vid esp to any forums or YouTube and do not hotlink.

ETA 2: Very rough transcript...

JM: Totaly Ianto would win
GDL: We just all get...(?)...there wouldn't be a fight. It would be like err can I have er two captains with a Ianto filling please.
JM: *laughs*
Fangirls: *esplodey*
GDL: Wouldn't it? Wouldn't it?
Fangirls: YES!
GDL: Toasted
JM: Hopefully it won't come down to that.

If anyone can decipher what he says at the beginning let me know and I'll add it in.


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