Jun 28, 2007 21:57
And the big cheese came and went and said it was good.
Fucking Irving cunt
Jun 11, 2007 20:09
Woot I finally got Skype:
Harthi Woyseck
Next up going to create a facebook account by the time summer is over with and if I'm really bored....Myspace!
...yeah right.
Jun 04, 2007 22:32
Rained most of the day. Not the constant down pour type, just the grey overcast crappy stuff.
Other then that, things are good. I'm really enjoying the Wii.
My Wii Code is: 5355 2276 6748 8673
Jun 01, 2007 22:34
Last day of school was today. So that's one year down and one more to go.
The past two weeks have been busy as heck. The long weekend flew by, had to deal with three exams, then take off for the Geology Field Trip. That lasted for 5 days, hiking around and getting baked in then sun. But it's over and done with.
May 23, 2007 20:17
For better or for worse I just got a Wii.
Don't have a cable for it to connect to the internet with yet. I'll have to get that later. Since I'm heading out to a geology field trip tomorrow and I'll be back monday or so.
May 13, 2007 19:14
Went to my sister's place to help move a section of their deck. Did that for 10 minutes, then had two beers, steak and potatoes afterwards. Later on went over to my parent's place for Mother's Day. Had hamburgers and sausages and potatoe salad. I ate good this sunday!
May 12, 2007 22:52
Finally got around to doing it. Uninstalled WoW. Never going to play it again. Of course my next MMO that I'm going to play is WAR after I graduate and get a good job.
May 09, 2007 20:22
Just found out that one of the drier machine is broken so you can still use it without having to spend a loonie.
May 04, 2007 22:25
Still sick of work....thinking about a roadtrip. Well specifically a traintrip. Went and saw Spiderman 3, it's was good. Wasn't great. Great action sequences, so of the inbetween stuff was kinda corney. But pretty much they got it right. Peter Parker is a putz.