Spent the afternoon writing. Not what I thought I'd be writing either but that's totally okay by me. I doubt I'll hit anywhere near 50k with this idea but that's alright as I'll just go work on something else once I'm done with it
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Please help out a friend and fellow fangirl who is trying to buy a first home for herself and her furbabies after being let down by the local powers that be.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KALLI! I LOVES YOU LOTSANDLOTSANDLOTSANDLOTSAND then some more too <3 Have a lovely day sweetling. Sending you phantom warm sleep snuggled in bed type hugs and happy vibes *smooch*
Now to not be distracted by it because I'm putting pleats in Yamamoto's hakama and I'm on the last one. Then I can iron them and do side seams and eventually hem them. Next will be starting on the top...once I cut out pattern pieces >.> So much cosplay to make and not enough time seeing as I wasted so many