Thought I'd share this pic from my garden. I planted a couple of spinach as its a veg I like, and over the last few weeks it went from a little thing lower than knee high to this giant that towers over me. Never new spinach could do this.....
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Comments 9
One of my neighbors was always delighted to get shared Swiss chard from my garden even during the hottest days of summer, no matter how bitter the chard might have been. He'd saute it up in olive oil with garlic and onions, and declared it made fine eating. Might be a matter of perspective, or what you're used to eating: he grew up being "dosed" with messes of dandelion greens, as a youngster through young adulthood, and he maintains to this day (this is a gentleman in his eighth decade) that "bitter greens" will do you a power of good.
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