Gasp! An update!

Jan 08, 2012 18:50

Sorry for the looooong absence, guys, and equally sorry to say I'm not fully back yet. Grad school is over, but I'm working 12-hour days at my job and don't see any kind of relief in sight. No time for writing any time in the near future ( Read more... )

grad school, life, work, fandom

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Comments 11

mab_browne January 9 2012, 01:13:27 UTC
Hey, lovely to see you again - and good news about the fic uploading. I hope that life is treating you well barring the whole twelve hour day thing. :-)


gardendoor January 12 2012, 03:13:02 UTC
Thank you, lovely to see you, too! What have you been up to the last few years?


mab_browne January 12 2012, 04:49:38 UTC
Still writing TS. I'm not mono-fannish precisely (I've branched out into Starsky and Hutch under another pseud) but I don't think that anyone is ever going to describe me as fickle. *g* I've done some lovely collaborations with an artist called helvetica4ever who draws gorgeous line art. Well worth checking out if you have a spare moment in the over-taxed days.

Family is pottering along, with various ups and downs. The eldest is nearly 21, the other two are well and truly teenagers. My mother went into a rest home in stressful circumstances, but is comparatively settled now. I became an aunt for the first (and probably only time) last year. Spouse and I are still spouse and I. ;-)

Oh, and LJ did a revamp which removed the preview feature ::eyeroll::, so sorry for the corrected message....


gardendoor March 13 2012, 10:57:28 UTC
Cool! I'll go check out the collabs. And congrats on becoming an aunt! Sounds like you're at least taking th various bits of family craziness with good humor; I hope your mom is continuing to adjust well.

And hey, I like the fact that we can edit now. I hated having to delete and repost comments every time I noticed something just *after* I posted a comment (which, ironically, *still* just happened!)


snailbones January 9 2012, 12:55:21 UTC

Awww - it's so lovely to see you here again! RL is a real pain when it gobbles up most of your time - but we'll still be here when things get easier for you. *blows kisses your way*


gardendoor January 12 2012, 03:14:00 UTC
Oh, I totally agree, and I'm so looking forward to rejoining fandom! *hugs*


ozsaur January 10 2012, 21:54:00 UTC
OMG I was just thinking about you the other day! I'm really happy for you that Grad school is over and that you have a job -- even one that works you for 12 hour days. *g*



gardendoor January 12 2012, 03:16:04 UTC
*hugs back* How funny! Thank you, I'm definitely aware that despite the problems, I'm in a much better position than a lot of the people I graduated with. But I'm also looking for something that will be a little more sane and leave me time to have a life of my own.

What have you been up to? How's life going? How's your writing?


daroos March 23 2012, 17:13:15 UTC
Good afternoon! I was looking through (very very very old) crack!van recs and found the names of a pair of fics I have been looking for for MONTHS. I'm trying to find out if you have ANY idea where or if they still exist anywhere:

Auld Lang Syne and Space Between by Adelheide (possibly my favorite i-man fics on record).

If you have any ideas, thoughts or clues, I would so greatly appreciate it.

yours sincerely


gardendoor March 24 2012, 12:18:25 UTC
I like those two as well. When Geocities was going down, I saved all my favorite Geocities fic to my drive, but you can try Reocities, which saved a lot of Geocities pages, or plug the URLs into the Wayback Machine, which preserves a lot of dead and revised pages. The urls are:

Good luck!


daroos March 28 2012, 04:43:13 UTC
OMG I just found it using Reocities! I did a dance - seriously a dance! It is now safely saved on my harddrive so I don't have to do the Internet Mambo again - WHOOO! Thanks so much for the links - I never would have gotten this without them!


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