Massive, massive catch-up

Sep 15, 2008 09:42

Sorry for being incommunicado so long! I just started graduate school, got a bit overly ambitious about how many courses I could handle ("Recommended courseload? Psht. That's for sissies!") and Dell is being annoying about sending me the laptop I ordered, so it's been hard to find time that is both free and in front of a computer. Also, all my ( Read more... )

grad school, life, writing, fandom

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Comments 10

mab_browne September 15 2008, 19:06:22 UTC
Lovely to see you again, and congrats on your LMFA nom. And news of a sequel to Metamorphosis? Squee time for me, I think. :-)


gardendoor September 15 2008, 19:36:55 UTC
*g* A lot of the beginnign is already written; what's holding up the rest is partially structural issues (what scenes should come first if people are doing different things at the same time) and issues of continuity (it's a crossover between four different shows, so synching up all four canons, and figuring out if people are going to get upset over my interpretations of certain characters is a big concern) but I think it's time to just bite the bullet and go for it.


Miss Ya mab_browne August 12 2009, 14:07:57 UTC
I realize you haven't put anything out in a while but I thought a little beggin' might help. Any plans on that Metamorphisis sequel? SG/Sentinel Crossovers are great and yours well I must say it was one of my favorites.


betagoddess September 15 2008, 19:42:22 UTC

Ooo! I'm really looking forward to the sequel to Metamorphosis! Yay! *g*

I'm glad you're enjoying Colorado so much. =>}


gardendoor September 15 2008, 22:16:19 UTC
Definitely! I'm being pushed harder than I ever have in my life, but I'm proud of how I'm responding to the challenges. And the scenery is beautiful, and the people are so lovely. It's such a wonderful place.

I should get my computer within the next couple of weeks *crosses fingers* so sometime after that, I should start posting chapters.


betagoddess September 15 2008, 22:49:38 UTC

I'll be looking forward to it for sure. *g*


redgirl72928 September 15 2008, 23:26:51 UTC
Good luck on the graduate school...and it's hard to find time in your brain for both the serious and the "fun".

I can't wait for Metamorphosis!


gardendoor September 16 2008, 14:51:36 UTC
True dat, but I've got to try to find *some* balance or I'll never make it for three years! And thanks for the luck.

I can't wait for it, either! Half of it's written, but the other half isn't, including the ending, and I wanna find out how it ends as much as you guys do! :D


snycock September 16 2008, 04:03:05 UTC
ooh, Metamorphosis sequel! I can hardly wait!

Congrats on the LMFA nom! And, fyi, I recced The Unwritten Series on crack_van (I was going to email you, but I wasn't sure if you were getting email yet with the computer issues...) *G*


gardendoor September 16 2008, 14:49:48 UTC
Squee! Really? *goes over to check* Oh man, and that's such a lovely summation of the series, too! Thank you so much for reccing me.

&*$%*# computer issues! I *am* getting email, but all my favorite links are packed away with all my files on my backup CDs. I'm actually supposed to be reccing B5 for crackvan this month, but with all this computer mess, I haven't even checked the site since July. No crackvan, no webcomics, no slash, none of my guilty pleasures in more than two months! *piteous whine*


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