NaNoWriMo 2021

Nov 01, 2021 19:00

It's the 1st November which means it's the first day of NaNoWriMo. I got rather sidetracked with the free trial for The Sims 4: Get Famous this weekend so I didn't quite managed to finish off my plot outline as I'd hoped! Oops. I'm already feeling like I'm behind schedule which is not a good way to start ( Read more... )

nanowrimo, writing

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Comments 11

manue7a November 1 2021, 19:48:26 UTC
Schedules..pah! Have fun writing, before you know it you might have more words on your count than you imagined!


ganimede November 1 2021, 21:20:03 UTC
Well, my target for today was 1,000 words and I wrote 1,029 so I'm pleased with that. It's a good start 😁


rusty_armour November 2 2021, 15:07:29 UTC
I've never been brave enough to tackle NaNoWriMo as I'm such a slow writer, so I admire anyone who gives it a shot -- whether they reach their end target or not. I think you have a really good attitude: any wordcount is an accomplishment. Best of luck with NaNoWriMo! :-D


ganimede November 2 2021, 18:26:20 UTC
I've attempted NaNo about 5 times now and some times it has been a very close thing. When you say you're a slow writer, do you mean that you're slow at typing or that the ideas don't come very quickly? You don't have to be fast to do NaNo, there's a whole month to get the target done!


rusty_armour November 2 2021, 20:07:46 UTC
I'm basically slow at getting the ideas out. I mean, I might have a writing session in which I do quite well and another where I only manage 200 or 300 words. In any case, I don't have a lot of time that I can devote to writing at the moment. I'm doing well if I can find some time on the weekend. Maybe one of these years, I'll participate in NaNo.

Best of luck once again, ganimede. I'm sure you'll reach your target. :-)


ellinou November 2 2021, 20:31:59 UTC
The times I participated, I was always a pantser, not a plotter. One year, my only plot was "there's a girl, and a haunted piano." I atually won that year, but the draft is crap, maybe I'll rewrite it someday.


ganimede November 4 2021, 13:59:52 UTC
I've always been a plotter. I might not necessarily have an ending to the plot but what I do have is planned out! That plot of yours sounds intriguing though, what ended up happening?


ellinou November 13 2021, 19:51:50 UTC
So the house had been owned by a pianist in the 19th century who fell in love with a rich girl, and then she got engaged to another guy and the pianist was tasked with composing the music for the wedding. He started to write a song, but got murdered in the middle of it and bled out all over the piano. Since then he's haunted people to try and get the to write the end of it.

In the NaNo my contemporary character was a college student living with her parents, but if I ever rewrite it I'll make her an adult, young 30s, maybe moving to another city/province to flee a bad breakup or something.


ganimede November 18 2021, 16:01:43 UTC
That sounds really interesting! I think a young woman in her 30s works better than a college student. The bad breakup would be a nice contrast to the music being written for the wedding too. Oh! Maybe she was left at the altar?


qwentoozla November 3 2021, 04:20:01 UTC
Good luck! I think writing consistently is an accomplishment, regardless of wordcount.


ganimede November 4 2021, 14:00:47 UTC
I've not written anything for a couple of years now so I'm hoping that this will help me get back into the habit of writing regularly.


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