Four days of Fun, Food and Photos

Mar 29, 2016 13:53

Well, that was a nice four day weekend! I managed to fit in lots of fun things, including gaming, reading and Lego, and I made some yummy meals so it was quite good. I got quite a bit of PlayStation time in which is most important. I had been playing InFamous but I finished that off last week so I decided to play Harry Potter and the Deathly ( Read more... )

adventures in cooking, writing, geeking about games, stereotypical english post about weather

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Comments 11

manue7a March 29 2016, 14:33:44 UTC
And numerous times I couldn't see a thing because Hermione's head was in the way, blocking the whole screen! Bah.
For some reason this bit cracks me up.


ganimede March 31 2016, 21:00:10 UTC
Typical Hermione ;)


meathiel March 29 2016, 16:30:10 UTC
Sounds like a good weekend - apart from the weather. Ours has been very changeable as well - right now it's pouring with rain. Great ...


ganimede March 31 2016, 21:01:22 UTC
It's been all over the place. On Monday, it was so cold I put a jumper back on. Today the sun came out and I was roasting in my long-sleeved t-shirt!


qwentoozla March 30 2016, 01:41:41 UTC
And numerous times I couldn't see a thing because Hermione's head was in the way, blocking the whole screen! Bah.

Haha, that's such a typical video game problem!


ganimede March 31 2016, 21:04:18 UTC
There was a bit later on where I'd gone into a building with a walkway only to discover it was blocked off at the end. I tried to go back but Hermione was behind me and for some reason I couldn't get past. Every time I got close, the camera zoomed in on her chest so I had a screen full of boobs.


hobbitblue April 1 2016, 01:42:16 UTC
The game sounds frustrating, i really dislike ones where you have to replay a level in the opposite direction and/or backtrack to get stuff, meh.

Yay on the AO3 and getting lots of cooking done, the plum chicken sounds intriguing, sorry it didn't work out quite as planned, likely still tasty tho :)


ganimede April 6 2016, 20:58:18 UTC
Backtracking to get stuff is so annoying. I think the game developers have struggled with Deathly Hallows, it doesn't really make for a very exciting game so they've had to add in a lot of stuff that's not in the book or film. In which case they've had to re-use scenes. I've just got past the part in Godrics Hollow and the next section has Harry going off on his own again to rescue more Muggle-borns. The very first part of that is back in Godrics Hollow!

The plum chicken was inspired by something I read on the side of the bottle of Chinese five spice. It said to make sticky ribs by brushing pork ribs with plum jam, liberally dusting with the five spice and roasting in the oven. So I thought I'd try it with chicken strips, hoping for some sticky Chinese style chicken pieces but it didn't work at all. I think it needed way more jam.


hobbitblue April 8 2016, 00:07:15 UTC
Well its tedious to read (i broke off halfway through to go and re-read one of my fave fanfics i was getting so discouraged by JKs storyline..) so not really suprised its tricky to turn into a game!

I think the recipe maybe needed the ribs, cos of the fat content compread to chicken, maybe? I dunno, not a big fan of pork but i do like spare ribs.. hmm, not had those since the ex left, we used to share a portion, might have to get some next time we order.. It sounds like the recipe you neded up with works out tasty nonethelss mind.


ellierachael April 3 2016, 19:59:15 UTC
Your food sounds so good!


ganimede April 6 2016, 20:59:19 UTC
A lot of it is trial and error but I do have a nice selection of things I can make now. The salmon pie was particularly yummy, it worked out even better than I thought!


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