I am popular on the interwebs

Jul 07, 2015 15:20

Every Monday I get an email giving me the weekly statistics for my website. It only gives me a basic breakdown in the email itself - the amount of unique visits, first time visits, return visits, and page loads for each day of the week and an average. I generally just check the unique visits figure - according to Statcounter which is the service ( Read more... )

e-mails and letters and stuffs, my website

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Comments 16

meathiel July 7 2015, 16:36:37 UTC
You just got one more visitor on the HP site ... *lol*


ganimede July 7 2015, 19:40:24 UTC
Heh, two actually. Someone found it through Google just 20 minutes after you did! Did you enjoy reading about the HP tour?


meathiel July 8 2015, 05:17:45 UTC
Yes, I did.
I knew that they filmed in Gloucester Cathedral but I've never been there. One place I still have to go to! ;-)


ganimede July 9 2015, 18:48:58 UTC
Wow, you mean I've been somewhere that you haven't? :P It's quite a few years since I went to the Cathedral but I don't think it's much different now. It was free to get in and the tour was written on a little leaflet (also free) so you took yourself round. Gloucester itself isn't bad but there's not a great deal there really as I recall.


bella_cheval July 7 2015, 17:36:48 UTC
You're popular!


ganimede July 7 2015, 19:41:32 UTC
I'm virtually popular ;)


greeneyedsadie July 7 2015, 19:19:21 UTC
Hahahaha now you'll get more! I checked out 2 of them.


ganimede July 7 2015, 19:42:50 UTC
So you did. Did you enjoy the HP tour? ;)


greeneyedsadie July 7 2015, 20:30:42 UTC
Yes! That's very cool.


chaquir July 8 2015, 09:03:27 UTC
okay, stand to pee has had now 1 visitor from Belgium LOLLLLLLLLLLLL


ganimede July 9 2015, 18:51:21 UTC
I think you're the only visitor from Belgium that the whole site has had this week! Did you find the STP page interesting? I recommend trying the technique in the shower first ;)


chaquir July 11 2015, 08:04:52 UTC
I didn't really had a good look at it.
Such subject are not my cup of tea really. Sorry


hobbitblue July 16 2015, 22:53:41 UTC
Thats quite a range of countries and a pretty good hit rate, yay you. And I'd forgotten you'd got the proper stand to pee info on there, I found the original site years ago and then was annoyed when they changed it to market their device, good to know you've still got the info safe for anyone wanting it :)


ganimede July 19 2015, 19:46:14 UTC
I'm always surprised by the wide varieties of countries that visit my website. There's some really unexpected places and I suppose it just goes to show the wonder of the internet, it really does make the world so much smaller!

That's exactly why I recovered the stand to pee info! Their Travelmate was incredibly popular among FTMs anyway - although there weren't many alternative devices at that time - but I think the STP page was more popular. As soon as it disappeared there was an outcry in the various LJ communities and I immediately went to the Wayback Machine to see if it was there. Luckily I managed to find it and just threw it up on my site so that it was still available because it was such an important resource. Travelmate has now disappeared completely, the product doesn't exist any more, so I'm doubly glad that I managed to rescue it!


hobbitblue July 21 2015, 23:53:09 UTC
Yay you (and the wayback machine... :) )


ganimede July 28 2015, 20:18:40 UTC
The Wayback Machine was vital there, without it, that information would have been lost forever.


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