A Cake of Great Importance

Dec 15, 2014 19:04

It had been decided a few weeks ago, that I would be making a gluten-free Christmas cake. When I went to the Allergy Show in Liverpool last year, Glutafin were giving out free samples of a cake (all marzipanned and iced) made to their recipe. It was actually really tasty so I got a copy of the recipe but it didn't get used because my mother had ( Read more... )

mother, adventures in baking, photies

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Comments 19

chaquir December 16 2014, 07:15:28 UTC
well, this one looks rather good compared to the previous one! :o)


ganimede December 18 2014, 19:41:04 UTC
I had to go back through my posts to work out which one you meant! I take it you were referring to the orange grease cake?


chaquir December 19 2014, 05:47:28 UTC
oops.. now don't make 'me' go back and search. hahaha


meathiel December 16 2014, 08:17:40 UTC
Cake looks good ... I hope it's tasty as well!


ganimede December 18 2014, 19:43:20 UTC
Me too! I managed to sample a crumb that fell off when it was taken out of the tin and I think it was okay. My main concern is it being too dry - a lot of gluten-free cakes go dry really quickly, like after a couple of days.


ftmichael December 16 2014, 16:43:14 UTC
Ooo, looks so good! And lots of marzipan for you as a reward for all your hard work! Very manly, too, snapping the spoon. Hulk Nathaniel!


ganimede December 18 2014, 19:44:13 UTC
Someone beat you to that joke already, you're so slow.


hobbitblue December 17 2014, 02:24:37 UTC
Yay baking success, and only one spoon as a casuatly, not bad *g*


ganimede December 18 2014, 19:45:48 UTC
Well, one spoon and my thumb. When the spoon broke, I thought I'd got a small cut from it but it turned out to be a splinter instead.


hobbitblue December 19 2014, 01:14:25 UTC
Evil spoon! Or the kitchen gods getting a bit greedy, they normally need a libation (ie food spilled on the floor... well it makes me seem less clumsy *g*)


ganimede December 29 2014, 14:33:47 UTC
The kitchen gods get plenty of libations from me! Although generally all over the worktop rather than the floor... That gluten-free flour is terrible for that, it's very much like icing sugar in that regard. Perhaps that's the problem, they're fed up of all the gluten-free flour and want the proper stuff!


sullen_hearts December 19 2014, 16:00:37 UTC
Ooh nice! I made my first one this year, have yet to ice it though


ganimede December 29 2014, 14:34:35 UTC
I bet you didn't have as much trouble making yours! Did it turn out well?


sullen_hearts December 30 2014, 15:37:59 UTC
It did! I posted pics


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