London ho!

Feb 23, 2010 20:15

I had the most hectic day yesterday. Considering I spent 5 hours of it sitting on a train doing nothing, I didn't seem to stop all day. It didn't start off too badly though; my appointment at Charing Cross was at 3.30 and the train wasn't till 12 so I didn't have a mad rush round to get ready. I even had time to write a post before I left! I ( Read more... )

travels and the fun thereof, claybrook centre/charing cross, friends, transition: physical progress, transition: testosterone

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Comments 15

adam_snake February 23 2010, 20:38:14 UTC
iffy sounds nice i have only ever talked to her over the phone myself. glad your day went well even though it was a long busy day. i do dislike going backwards on the trains although most times im lucky if i even get a seat.

hope your day of rest today has made you feel better


ganimede February 26 2010, 21:08:01 UTC
Are you going to have an appointment with Iffy? She really was very nice and certainly seems more concerned about working with you to get things how you want them which is quite an amazing thing for Charing Cross.


adam_snake February 27 2010, 11:18:23 UTC
Yes i will be seeing iffy in a few months time to sort out my doze and stuff


ftmichael February 23 2010, 21:30:59 UTC
Such a busy day! Iffy sounds absolutely lovely. What a breath of fresh air. I'm so glad she was willing to work with you on your shot schedule and actually do minor things over the phone - welcome to the 20th century, Charing Cross. It's about time. Maybe one of these days you'll join us here in the 21st - we have cookies! (From Hummingbird Bakery ( ... )


ganimede February 26 2010, 21:14:29 UTC
I was not impressed with Geoff either! But on the plus side, I now have Nelson's contact details for the future ;)

Did you see the prices of the cupcakes?! I wasn't even sure if they would be worth it.

There wasn't much choice of food that I could get at the station. I'd already had a sandwich for my dinner so I didn't really want another one and the only other thing I vaguely fancied was a pasty but the queue was huge. I got the chicken royale. Don't forget there's bugger all choice for chicken stuffs at BK here compared to the US menu. It's either that or the chicken nuggets.


ftmichael February 27 2010, 02:53:53 UTC
Hee. That will make it easier the next time!

I'd pay £1.75 for a really good cupcake! Not all the time, but as a treat.

Aw, poo to lack of choice. And double poo to BK and its lack of chicken-based choices. The chicken royale is very tasty though! I've only had it a few times but I quite liked it.

Hungry now, but it's bedtime. :(


ganimede February 27 2010, 11:42:55 UTC
Provided the cupcake was like Costco sized, I suppose it wouldn't be a bad price.

The chicken royale is okay. On the US menu, it's called the original chicken sandwich; I've usually got the Tendercrisp one when I've been in Boston because it's much nicer but we don't have that here. In general I'd rather have KFC because they have the best choice for chicken stuffs but the bite card (which gets me 20% off food/drinks at railway stations) includes BK and not KFC.


returntovalinor February 24 2010, 00:45:32 UTC
It was good to see you yesterday, I'm just sorry I had to rush off so soon. I was pretty shattered myself when I got back to Ireland last night and I ended up waiting at the airport for nearly an hour cos my mum forgot she said she'd pick me up! I rang her and didn't get through so I assumed she was driving and couldn't answer the phone and I go a call a little while later saying she'd forgotten to keep an eye on the time and only just realised how late it was. I ended up having to pay 20 euros for a taxi home instead and it was after midnight by the time I got in!
Still I had a good weekend and a little tiredness at work seems a small price to pay really!
We should meet up again soon for a longer chat! *nudges you towards the Irish flights*


ganimede February 26 2010, 21:41:35 UTC
If you hadn't had to rush off then, I would have had to do soon after anyway. That's annoying about your mum forgetting to pick you up! Tsk. I hope she repaid your taxi fare at least.

You know, I was looking at the flights to Dublin a few weeks ago because I thought I could maybe have a long weekend there for my birthday. The cheapest flights were getting on for £100! Not going to happen at that price, I'm afraid :(


returntovalinor February 27 2010, 00:26:08 UTC
Did you look at the Aer Lingus site? not sure if they fly from your part of the country but if they do, 9 times out of 10 they're cheaper than Ryanair these days.


returntovalinor February 27 2010, 00:34:27 UTC
And no, no repaymentof taxi money was offered! :(


hobbitblue February 24 2010, 02:52:56 UTC
Tiring indeed, shame about the trains, I always find the journey *back* from London is the suckiest, wonder what it is about Pendolino that makes it ten times worse for you? Iffy sounds lovely, and yay for doing stuff by phone!


ganimede February 26 2010, 21:44:41 UTC
I don't have any problems after the journey to London, but I was never sure if that was just because I had other stuff on my mind and so I didn't feel the effects till later on. I'm not sure I've had a return journey after such a short space of time though, so that might have had some effect too. I don't know what it is about the Pendolino that affects me so much, but I was actually talking to someone at work about that today and she said she has the same problem with those trains. So glad that it's not just me!


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