Hey, mods, can we maybe make a memory about this kigurumi thing? It comes up a lot and we always have new people. Anyway, one person asked and when one does ten others wonder....
If you want a kigurumi you have a couple of choices. A) Either go or find someone in Japan. They are EVERYWHERE! (or where when I was there last.) B) Look on Ebay. They come up fairly often for $40-$90. C) Try Yahoo Japan, probably via an auction service. I use celga but... eh, not that impressed.
Here, to help ya get started, this seller has a few
http://booth.search.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/strsearch?desc=%C3%E5%A4%B0%A4%EB%A4%DF&sb=desc&alocale=0jp&acc=jp&seller=threeds2401_auction Or this should show you costume pics sorted by price lowest to highest.
http://search.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/search?sb=desc&desc=%c3%e5%a4%b0%a4%eb%a4%df&auccat=0&acc=jp&f=0x92&s1=cbids&o1=a&alocale=0jp&mode=1 If these links don't work just go to the main Yahoo Japan Auction page (
http://auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/) In that empty box, (don't mess with anything. It's all fine.) just type in "着ぐるみ" and see what you like.
You can also find other cool stuff there. I keep an eye on Alba Rosa tote bags (
http://list2.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/2084050843-category-leaf.html?f=&alocale=0jp&mode=1) for example. Fees and stuff add up but, eh, so does everything else in this lifestyle. Why worry now?
When in doubt, Babel Fish is your friend.
http://babelfish.altavista.com/ Have fun!
PLEASE COMMENT if you know of any sites that sell kigurumi!