photographs logs

Sep 25, 2011 01:17


8 October:
GIFT from Gil - klutz19, lionheart01, memory14, orpheus14
October Release - diligence01, fabulous15, chaos10, memorized18, apprentice19, puzzle01, zura20, marimo04, certainty17, bahamut20, shota16, yuri20, amefuto15, youandi04 + 4 extra(zura13, airhead18, ispilots07, justice11)
G009: Test your Knowledge 13 - parachute17, omoi16, jintan16, ace11, cop02, dyaus13
G010: Freebies 09 - short12, tensai18
7 October:
Discarded Photos - filtre02/05/17, lionheart06, vulcanus18
5 October:
G008: Pick a Genre 13 - switzerland10
G007: Blurry Pictures 17 - playboy14, bluetears13
GIFT from Destiny - lionheart08
3 October:
G006: Melodic Tunes 17 - asthma12, butler08, goggles01
G005: Seiyuu Guess 11 - houkago11, eternity08, libra12
G004: Left Vs Right 17 - heavy03
G003:Translation Miscalculation 17 - massacre14, typhoon02
1 October:
G002:Discussion Time 07 - genius19, potion06
30 September:
GIFT from Dany - filtre08
G001: Snapshots03 - russia12, vulcanus04, trustybell03, schwarzer01, shibuya15
29 September:
Discarded Photos - vulcanus02/05/07/09/17
GIFT from Marge - test01/02/03/04/05
28 September:
September Release: eldarian01, txtmsg06, russia02, schwarzer15, emperor14, positive12, 500002, heights17, objection03, mystic03, otome17, seizakareshi17, aquatiques01, starish19
26 September:
Application Confirmation: axe06, hostclub11, tsuruko17, aby01(member card)
24 September:
Application Accepted! Starter Pack - vulcanus01/08/12/13/20, june20, venus04, bluetears17, brother11, nendoroid17

8 October:
T016: with Hollie - my shibuya15 for heavy13
T017: with Abby - my memorized18 for aquatiques07
T018/T019: with Hollie - my apprentice19, puzzle01 for diligence03, filtre14
T020: with Polly - my certainty17 for otome07
T021/T022: with Jen - my zura13/20 for diligence04, memory04
T023: with Yingyu - my chaos10 for diligence02
T024: with Alex - my marimo04 for diligence05
7 October:
To15: with Roax - my trustybell03 for vulcanus11
6 October:
MC016: with Alex - my aby01 for alex01
5 October:
MC015: with Destiny - my aby01 for destiny01
3 October:
MC014: with Jen - my aby01 for jen01
1 October :
T014: with Silver - my russia12 for filtre09
30 September:
MC013: with Dany - my aby01 for dany01
29 September:
MC011: with Marge - my aby01 for marge01
MC012: with Rizu - my aby01 for rizu01
28 September:
T001/002: with Polly - my axe06, txtmsg06 for filtre03, vulcanus15
MC001: with Polly - my aby01 for polly01
T003-T007: with Cassidy - my emperor14, starish19, positive12, 5000002, heights17 for filtre06/19, test08/15/16
MC002: with Cassidy - my aby01 for cassidy01
T008: with Belle - my schwarzer15 for sweet10
MC003: with Belle - my aby01 for belle01
T009: with Silver - my russia02 for filtre12
MC004: with Silver - my aby01 for silver01
T010: with Yun - my seizakareshi17 for filtre01
MC005: with Yun - my aby01 for yun01
T011-T013: with Abby - my mystic03, objection03, june16 for eldarian20, lionheart20, vulcanus03
MC006: with Abby - my aby01 for abby01
MC007: with Yingyu - my aby01 for yingyu01
MC008: with Twiggy - my aby01 for twiggy01
MC009: with Midori - my aby01 for midori01
MC010: with Mei - my aby01 for mei01

*photographs, +logs

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