Jan 24, 2010 13:04
In a few hours I will be making a post that contains the plot summary for the first session of my group's new Hunter: The Vigil game. (Yeah, I still have two Firefly summaries to do, but I'll get to those...I wanted to get this kicked off first.) If you've been reading plot summaries for my games for a while, you will notice right away that the format I'm using this time around is different from the way I've done it in the past (that is, straightforward narrative writing with a lot of details included). This is for a few reasons. First, it takes me a really long time to write plot summaries in their current form (about 6 hours if I'm lucky), and as part of Operation Cut Down On Unnecessary Crap In My Life, I can definitely dial that back if I approach them with less need to include so much detail, internal monologue, etc. Second, I also realize that plot summaries in their current form are really uninteresting to read for anyone who isn't in my game, and even for people who are in my game sometimes, so this is my attempt to hold the attention of a wider audience. Finally, writing a really dry narrative plot summary is just plain boring for me sometimes, so the new way of doing it will incorporate more creative writing and make it more fun for me to do them.
So from now on, you will see plot summaries that are shorter, quirkier, more IC, and hopefully more fun for everybody. It should go without saying that if you are a player in my game, much of the information you will read outside of the summary itself should be treated as facts that your character does not necessarily know, so please treat that information as such in the game. Each plot summary will also include a few OOC notes at the end about my thoughts on how the session went, why I made certain decisions when telling the story, and other such metagame chatter. This way, people who are interested in my process as a Storyteller but don't care about the ins and outs of who did what to whom in the game can just skip to that part and respond to it as they see fit.
Plot summaries for this game can be found under the "project monument" tag in my LJ. I'll also link back to this post at the end of each summary so that people who are confused about what they're seeing (since all or most of it will be IC prose) can see this entry and realize that it's okay, it's only a game!
project monument,