Something you might enjoy

Mar 13, 2007 14:06

... hopefully anyway. I co-write and draw a webcomic that is based the an online RP that a friend of mine and I have been playing for over a year. I've been going at it for about four months, and because I'm a little slow (sometimes) it just now occured to me that that might be something people in this community might like. (A little slow, like I said.) Especially the Saturday strips, because they are the blending of my real world, and the world of the game. I'd love for people to check it out if you're so inclined, and I have a zillion and one ways you can bother at me, including a livejournal community geek_blather, an rss feed, gb_feed, a Forum and a chatterbox on the main site. Oh yeah, here's the site link:

You can also leave messages and notes for the characters, and they may respond, if they are so inclined. Because it's not so much a comic, as a psychosis.

x-posted to chickswithdice
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