Lmao....OmG Im Lmao!!!hilaryduffgtaOctober 14 2005, 04:18:21 UTC
Lmao..ha ha ha Hell yea See Jack finally people are seeing u for the freakin nutcase you are...well thats one group that wont have anything to do with you anymore u moron..Ha ha ha See we are more powerful then you...You've lost Jack deal with it the gamers one...and to end this wonderful post....Jack there is a big L on ur forhead..it stands for LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Proof at last, JT is a psychoyukimurasanadaOctober 14 2005, 04:20:23 UTC
There it is folks, we all knew it, we all said it, and now Jt must FACE THE MUSIC. His childish, insulting antics have come back to BITE him in the ass. I for one love this, as it proves beyond doubt that he's a douchebag idiot. I may not always agree with Walsh, but I can at least respect him for what he's trying to do, even if he some times goes about it in the wrong way, but here and now, he has seen JT for what he is and wants to be disconnected from him to avoid being seen in the same light as this jackass. That the letter was CC to all those others, show just how dangerous it will be to jack thompson, as it means everyone will know just how little stock Thompson carries.
Oh please dont tell me that heartless son of a bitch attacked that orginization..what a fucking low life piece of shit!...sorry but that makes me mad right there that anyone would even insult something that brings joy to children..
Not exactly, but what happened was Gabe of PA got word of JT's modest proposal, and decided to write an e-mail to him saying, "Well gee that's nice and all, but Child's Play helps kids in hospitals across the country and donates MILLIONS of dollars worth of toys and games each year to help make their lives more fun and enjoyable. This year, we're even big enough to go global!" That's paraphrasing, but you get the idea.
Anyway, Gabe forgot that his PHONE number is part of the sig on his e-mail, so JT actually CALLED HIM back asking him not to e-mail him anymore. All of this is up over at PA today. Check yesterday's news (if the news has updated yet today) and be sure to keep an eye out.
The point [Gabe] submitted went without answer: if a company made [Jack's] reprehensible game, [Jack] would literally have to sue himself and talk about what a bastard he was on national television. Of course, he's not serious. Machination is too glorified a word for what he's doing. Ruse would make it seem debonair. [Jack's] essentially holding money hostage from charity, and if someone did make it, even as a joke, he would say that it didn't conform to his "design." This sort of thing is usually called a shell-game.
Comments 200
How do you like them apples JT?
Its over Thompson, give it up.
You reap what you sow, Jack. Hit the road.
== BearDogg-X ==
Veronica Mars Wednesdays 9/8 CT UPN
Anyway, Gabe forgot that his PHONE number is part of the sig on his e-mail, so JT actually CALLED HIM back asking him not to e-mail him anymore. All of this is up over at PA today. Check yesterday's news (if the news has updated yet today) and be sure to keep an eye out.
And we wonder why people don't like JT! :)
The point [Gabe] submitted went without answer: if a company made [Jack's] reprehensible game, [Jack] would literally have to sue himself and talk about what a bastard he was on national television. Of course, he's not serious. Machination is too glorified a word for what he's doing. Ruse would make it seem debonair. [Jack's] essentially holding money hostage from charity, and if someone did make it, even as a joke, he would say that it didn't conform to his "design." This sort of thing is usually called a shell-game.
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