Phase 11 is GO!

Nov 20, 2017 20:56

Phase 11 is GO!

• Here is the new phase SPREADSHEET! Please check to be sure you are on it and all is correct!

• Thank you again to those of you were willing to switch teams as needed! <3

• Your team leaders are:
team_clubs: erinm_4600 and sexycazzy
team_diamonds: ama_ranth_827 and candream
team_hearts: hyacinthos and sandy79
team_spades: madampresident and mark-pierre

theladymorgan will be joining me on team joker again this phase.

• Here's a quick look at our challenges so far! Stay tuned as more are coming your way!
02: Suggestion/Feedback Poll - Due Dec 1
03: GTKY - Due Dec 15
01: Promotion - Due Jan 20

• To stay up to date on the current challenges, you can always check the Open Challenges List. Or you can track the Open Challenges LJ Post as well!

buy-cards is open for business if you'd like to post a shop, flash sale, or request!

cardwars is temporarily closed until I have time to sort out some new rules/info for battles. It will hopefully be open again soon.

• I know there are still some problems with some of the community layouts due to the photobucket issues. I hope to resolve those problems soon. Team leaders, if there is a problem with your team layout and you'd like to fix it please go for it!

• I am working on getting everyone sorted into the correct team communities! If you've moved to a new community, please be patient and I'll get you added to your new team community asap!

• I want to apologize because I realize last phase wasn't the most organized and there are still some housekeeping things that should probably correct from the previous phase. I want to let you know that I'm putting in some changes and recruiting some help that will hopefully help me be able to keep up better this time!

• If you volunteered to help post challenges, I'll be in touch soon!

• The phase will run for approximately 3 months with the end date set for the last day of February.

Thank you!

~phase 11, -mod update, !mods

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