A Short Guide to the Comm

Jun 01, 2014 22:21

If you're new to landcomms, or just not sure where to start; Here is a run down....

1. There are multiple different communities that help keep this place organised - we have these because it means its easy to skip the challenges you're not interested in, and allow different mods to have their own area. These comms are :

Most of the Challenge Communities are open, but to fully participate and get points you need to be a member of a team.
gameofcards - This is the main community. You can sign up to join a team here.
allthesuits - This is the social community. Here you will find social posts, it is also where you can post many of your challenge entries if you wish.
card_fun - This is the community for game, Luck and meme type challenges.
draw_cards - This is the community for graphics challenges.
card_writing - This is the community for writing challenges.
cards_wild - This is the community for out of the box challenges. Here you will find multi-media challenges, stamping as well as the comic book club and book club and other challenges that don't fit any of the other categories!
cardwars - This is the community for battles (graphics & writing).
buy_cards - This is the community for shops. Here you can "order" Signature tags and icons from the various shops. Shops get points and you get cool stuff.
afulldeck - Profiles of our members! Feel free to post a profile there

The Following Communities are closed. You will need to be invited be invited first.
team_clubs - This is where you will get invited if you are a member of Team Clubs.
team_diamonds - This is where you will get invited if you are a member of Team Diamonds.
team_hearts - This is where you will get invited if you are a member of Team Hearts.
team_spades - This is where you will get invited if you are a member of Team Spades.
acesallin - This is the community for the mods of the various subsidiary communities of gameofcards

2. What are tag banners and why is everyone so obsessed with them? They are small banners (no more than 475px total in size) that show everyone what team you are. Using these in challenges helps mods know what team you are on & is something fun for you to use. You can have anything on it that you like, as long as it identifies your team name, so you can "sign" your comments with it. You can make your own banners, or order them from shops at buy_cards

3. What are the teams and why do i need to be in one? There are four teams; Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts and Spades. Being on a team means that you have people to help you and to be social with (although the other teams are lovely, i promise!). The points systems helps give that extra push to try new things and do fannish activity. It also motivates the comm. If you're not on a team sign up for one here

4. The teams do need to be fair, so they are even in numbers and we have a points cap per member (2000 points) we also have a minimum of 1 challenge every 2 weeks in order to stay on a team. It just means all teams have a chance. You are not required to do any challenge, nor must you do every challenge. Just do what you're interested in!

5. Challenges will always be listed on the side bar in the open challenges post.

6. If you have any further questions, want to add to this post or need clarification, please comment below.


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