Challenge 01 : A Full Deck

Sep 01, 2014 20:26


Description Create an alter-ego of yourself based on the deck of cards. (It doesn't have to be anything like you :)) Imagine your deck of cards is your team, and each card is a member - one of them you! If you want to discuss who is what card in your team comms, that'd be great. Otherwise scroll through the entries and try to pick something different.

Do at least three things of the following
- Pick a Card to represent you (must be the suit of your team)
- Give your alter-ego a name
- "cast" yourself using an entity (celebrity, animal, whatever)
- "personify" yourself using your card as base (eg give yourself a job, superhero role, etc)
- Pick a theme song for your alter-ego
- Create an icon for your alter ego
- Create a sig banner based on your alter-ego (feel free to have someone else do this for you)

Some of you will have been in land-comms before that did this, so you might have something in mind. I'll put an example in the comments but feel free to take liberties with your alter-ego, as long as you're having fun!

Please avoid using the same card (eg the 2 of clubs) more than twice where possible

Points 20 points for this challenge (+4 crowns)
Due Date 8th September, approx Midnight EST. Late entries will be accepted until Tallying is done.
Submitting Submit here, to this post. If you have any questions please ask in the “questions thread” below.


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