inFamous request

Feb 23, 2012 11:03

Hi! I've recently been attempting to find anything at all screencap-related for inFamous and inFamous 2, and it seems to be a completely futile endeavour! Does anyone here have any, or know where I could get hold of some? I've had a scour through the history of this comm, but I can't find anything (unless I'm just being a derp and overlooking ( Read more... )


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Comments 12

dionisio February 24 2012, 12:14:36 UTC
I can probably save some art from GamesPress from both games if you don't mind some fat 'GP' watermarks in some of the corners. :)


sai_salamander February 24 2012, 21:18:27 UTC
OMG yes, that would be amazing! Watermarks aren't an issue at all, thank you so much in advance <3


dionisio February 26 2012, 02:42:37 UTC
Here's almost 72mb of inFAMOUS 1 assets! We're in the middle of moving (again) so it may be a little while before I can get to part 2 but I wanted to get this up for you asap.


sai_salamander February 26 2012, 14:56:35 UTC
OMFG that is absolutely amazing!! And so many evil!Cole ones too *physically dribbling* thank you so much for these, already! And there's more coming?! <3333


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