Title: Non-Human Love Characters: Peter Petrelli, Gabriel Rating: PG Warnings: None Word count: ~600 Summary: Peter and Gabriel discuss the next article in the series. Follow up to "You Are What You Eat" and "Getting Around".
I liked it a lot, a lot. I like Gabe misphrasing things (how rare!), following along with whatever Chandra says...until he pulls his head out of his ass to realize that Chandra's wrong. Makes perfect sense about morality growing with any new "adaptation" and I'm glad you mentioned it. What a big step for Gabe. I loved the silent kiss Peter gives, giving him support, being proud of him. See? Peter's so good for him. Thinking (and kinking) outside the box! ;)
Peter's comments throughout were cute. I like that he's more interested in racism and humanism than Gabe is - totally fitting and IC, I think. Same topic, same article they're reading but two totally differen perspectives on it. That must be why we like them as a pairing - between the two of them, they cover lots of things. They even each other out. But I gush and digress.
I know a few people who have this annoying knee-jerk habit of pedantically correcting others. I think of Gabe's first 'Technically, all creatures are ...' to be that. It's something he's usually careful not to use/do to Peter, Heidi, or really anyone whom he wants to like him, but the article author is fair game so he jumps in there. Then Peter's like 'wait, that doesn't match up with the other stuff you've said ...'
::Clears throat:: Erm, you mean like me? Heh heh? I tease you a little. I know I do it. It bothers me to be misinformed or miscommunicated to and apparently I think it should bother others and they have a little more right/truth in their life.
LOL! The article author *is* fair game. That's...interesting, too, that you took something that YOU read, took something from your world, and applies it to the boys and had them react to it. It's like an article-fic! (You know, instead of a song fic?) I will totally have to try that now.
Comments 4
I liked it a lot, a lot. I like Gabe misphrasing things (how rare!), following along with whatever Chandra says...until he pulls his head out of his ass to realize that Chandra's wrong. Makes perfect sense about morality growing with any new "adaptation" and I'm glad you mentioned it. What a big step for Gabe. I loved the silent kiss Peter gives, giving him support, being proud of him. See? Peter's so good for him. Thinking (and kinking) outside the box! ;)
Peter's comments throughout were cute. I like that he's more interested in racism and humanism than Gabe is - totally fitting and IC, I think. Same topic, same article they're reading but two totally differen perspectives on it. That must be why we like them as a pairing - between the two of them, they cover lots of things. They even each other out. But I gush and digress.
I know a few people who have this annoying knee-jerk habit of pedantically correcting others. I think of Gabe's first 'Technically, all creatures are ...' to be that. It's something he's usually careful not to use/do to Peter, Heidi, or really anyone whom he wants to like him, but the article author is fair game so he jumps in there. Then Peter's like 'wait, that doesn't match up with the other stuff you've said ...'
Thanks so much for the gushing!
LOL! The article author *is* fair game. That's...interesting, too, that you took something that YOU read, took something from your world, and applies it to the boys and had them react to it. It's like an article-fic! (You know, instead of a song fic?) I will totally have to try that now.
You're most welcome; thanks for writing.
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