Title: The Nameless
Characters: Micah, Analyst(
http://heroeswiki.com/Analyst), Danko
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Words: 600
Setting: "Shades of Gray", Season 3
Notes: A small tribute to a recurring unnamed character who has been the topic of a lot of comments on the rewatch parties. Rewatch parties are being held every Sunday on my Live Journal at 6 pm. I
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Comments 10
Plus I like the idea of specials working covertly for Danko to bring down other specials.
Ahah, another question for the writers: what other abilities did early Sylar have?
I like the insight into Micah's struggle as he's hunted. Talk about a quiet underground war going on in the techno world. Someone's going to break the internet! *gasp*
Everyone's going to take do-everything-mook much more seriously from here on out!
"The guy could be doing black magic for all he cared, as long as it produced results." -- This made me laugh aloud! It kind of *is* black magic! Pulling quarters behind your ears, sword swallowing and dazzle with the smoke and magic mirrors....especially Macs...
Wow, you nailed Danko! "Sometimes I wonder..."
I would have died laughing if you'd have said "talent I have" at the end there, being more of a Sylar to Sandra reference S1 ("can't get over those irresistible...talents of hers"), but seriously, Danko. Seriously?
And given that I can't answer that last one, I can't say whether it's reasonable or not for Danko to know something was up. Because if mook's maestro touch with computers is normal, then Danko wouldn't have anything to be suspicious about. Yet from my point of view, mook is doing all sorts of insanely impossible things, every episode, and Danko is rolling with it like it's no big deal.
I have a weakness for fics that give insight into minor characters as it is and this one just supplied me with Micah and "mook". So happy. :D
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