one-trick gamer

Dec 29, 2008 10:01

Hi! My name is xnera, and I am obsessed with Final Fantasy. I have a goal of completing all the games (in order!) before XIII comes out. Progress so far:

  1. Final Fantasy - Started sometime in May 2008. Put down for a while to to play VII with my BFF mackillian. Picked back up sometime in July, and finished August 24th.
  2. Final Fantasy II - Started August 25th. Put it down in September as I was going to Disney World, which means I had to play Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories again. Picked it up after completing CoM, and finished it sometime towards the end of October.
  3. Final Fantasy III - Started in November. Got a bit bored with it, so put it down for a while. I've picked it back up in the past week, and hope to finish over the New Years holiday. Edit: Finished January 10th 2009 at about 2am.
  4. Final Fantasy IV - Started mid-January 2009, finished June 4th 2009.
  5. Final Fantasy V - Started June 9th at 10pm.
  6. Final Fantasy VI - Not yet played.
  7. Final Fantasy VII - mackillian and I started this on April 11th, 2008. I finished it June 22nd. I will probably replay it once I finish VI, but it depends on how long it takes me to complete the others beforehand, and how close it's getting to the release of XIII.
  8. Final Fantasy VIII - I've played it twice before. It's my very favorite game in the series. <3 Ditto above on replay.
  9. Final Fantasy IX - Not yet played.
  10. Final Fantasy X - Previously played twice. Ditto above on replay.
  11. Final Fantasy XI - I'm not planning on playing this. I'd actually love to, but MMORPGs scare me a bit, as I'm very much a solitary player. I might pick it up sometime, but... well, we'll see.
  12. Final Fantasy XII - Not yet played.

If time allows, I might play some of the spin-offs, too. I've already played Dirge of Cerberus (bleh). I'm planning on playing Crisis Core eventually. I know there's a spinoff of XII (Reverent Wings, I think it's called), and that the Tactics series takes place in the same universe as XII. Are there any other direct spin-offs I'm missing?

There are other games in my backlog that I need to play, too, but I'm not going to bother listing them as this is more than enough to keep me busy for a while.
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