Dream's Office Hours, 3/22

Mar 22, 2006 12:29

The professor is in. He appears to be modifying a map that looks very old, and isn't written in a human alphabet.

[OOC: Heading home to deal with family stuff. On SP at least some of the time until 4, gone from then until 8 or 9, and then back with a vengeance.]

office hours

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notstakedyet March 22 2006, 17:42:56 UTC
Angel stopped by, looking worried.

[ooc: going to lunch, then on slowplay until tonight m'self. Just establishing him here. Reply whenever.]


notstakedyet March 22 2006, 20:57:20 UTC
"You'd think," Angel said. "But I sorta... slipped. When I was around him. Or possibly her. Do names have to come into this?"

[ooc: NP]


game_of_you March 23 2006, 01:29:24 UTC
"Not as of yet," Dream said. "When you say you "slipped," what happened?"

His face held a kind of cool curiosity.


notstakedyet March 23 2006, 01:39:12 UTC
"Not sex," Angel said, because in spite of what happened with Veronica yesterday he still wanted to make that clear right off the bat. "I, uh, changed. Into my gameface. Just for a second, but still."


game_of_you March 23 2006, 01:41:43 UTC
"Interesting," Dream said. "And this was against your will?"

He massaged his forhead. "Do you know what about this ... individual so interests you?"


notstakedyet March 23 2006, 01:43:00 UTC
"I didn't do it on purpose," Angel said, not sure if that was Dream was asking him. "And h - this person is a friend. A good friend. But also someone my evil side was obsessed with."


game_of_you March 23 2006, 01:54:00 UTC
"So you think something about this person calls to the demon chained inside you," Dream said slowly. "Forgive me if I believe this is more a problem for Dr. Pevensie, or perhaps a priest, than for myself."

[OOC: Right account this time.]


notstakedyet March 23 2006, 01:55:11 UTC
"Okay, but, see, I had this dream," Angel said. "When I was sick. About this hotel I used to live in, and all this death that happened there, and about there being life in it again and... I dunno. Maybe it's related?"


game_of_you March 23 2006, 01:58:12 UTC
[OOC: Here now.]


game_of_you March 23 2006, 01:57:48 UTC
"Okay, but, see, I had this dream," Angel said. "When I was sick. About this hotel I used to live in, and all this death that happened there, and about there being life in it again and... I dunno. Maybe it's related?"

"It may be," Dream agreed. "So many things end up back in the Dreaming."

"What makes you think your response to this person is related to this dream?"


notstakedyet March 23 2006, 02:01:03 UTC
"Because it happened before I slipped?" Angel guessed. "And maybe - maybe the dream was about my evil side waking up? Wanting h - wanting to hurt this person again."


game_of_you March 23 2006, 02:18:37 UTC
Dream thought about this for a long moment. "I am not a seer," he said finally. "But if you give me your hand? I could go with you to look at this dream, in my realm. That might give us the answers you seek."


notstakedyet March 23 2006, 02:58:01 UTC
Angel stared at him.

"This is a literal giving my hand, right?" Angel asked. "Not some marriage thing? 'cause I'm already seeing someone."


game_of_you March 23 2006, 03:05:57 UTC
Dream held out his palm impatiently. "Literal, yes. I have no plans of ever marrying again."


notstakedyet March 23 2006, 03:06:42 UTC
"I imagine that's quite a story," Angel said, mostly because he didn't know what else to say. He held his hand out for Dream to take.


game_of_you March 23 2006, 03:16:18 UTC
"A bit of one," Dream said earnestly.

He reached for Angel's hand an concentrated for a moment, and then they were in the Dreaming, in an area where reflections of old dreams play in endless loops, reflected on bits of water like a thousand clouds. "I think your own is ---" Dream navigated by sense and ancient instinct. "About here, yes?"


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