Title: Walled In
Characters/Pairing: Peter/Sylar
Rating: NC-17
Words: ~10,000 in seven chapters
Warnings: Explicit sexual content
Setting: The Wall, about three years in.
Summary: Sylar's been flirting with Peter for some time. Peter's resistance finally crumbles, but he's never been one for half-measures.
Notes: Inspired by thegreyhawke on LJ, who did wonderful and much appreciated beta work for me, as well as providing such a fascinating take on Sylar that I write 'her' version of him here (as much as I can attempt to do so). This story is a flip of Seeing Stars, where Sylar was the initiator.
Chapter 1, Bookends:
game-byrd.livejournal.com/59811.htmlChapter 2, A Break from the Routine:
game-byrd.livejournal.com/59976.htmlChapter 3, Nocturnal Missions:
game-byrd.livejournal.com/60226.htmlChapter 4, Angry Encounters:
game-byrd.livejournal.com/60437.htmlChapter 5, Concessions:
game-byrd.livejournal.com/60897.htmlChapter 6, Bringing Down the Wall:
game-byrd.livejournal.com/61047.htmlChapter 7, A Time for New Things:
game-byrd.livejournal.com/61405.html Extra porn bit set within/after chapter 7: