Bricks in the Wall, Chapter 74: Sacred Trust

Aug 08, 2014 21:26

Title: Sacred Trust
Characters: Peter, Sylar
Words: 300
Rating: PG
Warnings: Brief violence.
Setting: The Wall
Summary: Peter tries to explain to Sylar how he sees things.

"It's mystical," Peter said earnestly. "You are a custodian of everything Nathan was. He's a part of you and of who you are. No matter how much you insist he's dead, he lives onthrough you."

Sylar frowned, gritted his teeth, and said nothing.

Peter shook his head briefly at that reaction. Maybe the thing about Nathan was too much of a sore subject for Sylar because he hadn't chosen those memories himself. He tried a different angle. "It's like all those people whose abilities you took? You took their lives, they're over now, but some essence of who they are continues, in you. Their abilities came from who they were, just like yours did," he gestured solemnly to Sylar, "and mine." He touched his own chest. "It would be ..." he searched for the right word, looking back and forth at the ground for a moment, "a tragedy, if they were lost. It would make their deaths pointless. At least through you, they have some meaning. They have a legacy. You have a duty to use their powers responsibly. It's the least you can do for them." He paused to assess how Sylar was taking this. The man's face looked strained, like he was holding something in. Peter made a dip of his head and raised his brows, both motions inviting Sylar to comment.

"Well," Sylar said after clearing his throat and managing a straight face. "I'll try to remember that sacred trust the next time I'm using telekinesis to masturbate while I'm shape-shifted into your niece."

Sylar was laughing both before and after Peter slugged him. Shaking with rage and disgust, Peter stalked off, intent on not talking to the heel for as long as possible. I don't know why I even try with him!

bricks, rated r

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