Bricks in the Wall, Chapter 56: Mouth Like a Sailor

Jul 24, 2013 22:23

Title: Mouth Like a Sailor
Characters: Peter, Sylar
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Words: 100
Setting: Any of my various Wall settings
Summary: Peter innocently considers an alternate pronunciation of Sylar's name. Sylar, though, is not so innocent.

Peter's mouth moved slightly, then he spoke. "Your name … Sy-lar …" His next pronunciation was even more off. "Sayler … that sounds like sailor."

"And your name sounds like dick, Peter," Sylar snapped immediately.

Peter stared at him for a moment, then grinned, then laughed out loud. "It sounds like dick? That's … Hahaha!" He teased, "Is that what you think about when you say my name?"

Sylar frowned reproachfully. "Who's got the dirtier mind, Petrelli? You're the one who said my name reminded you of seamen."

Peter shook his head "There's no question who has the dirtier mind."

bricks, sylar, peter, rated pg, drabble

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