Bricks in the Wall, Chapter 39: Older Women

Jan 19, 2013 17:26

Title: Older Women
Characters: Sylar, Peter Petrelli
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word count: 500
Setting: The Wall
Summary: Peter talks about his sexual preferences while Sylar eagerly listens.

"I think I prefer older women," Peter professed. "They're kind of like men in that they know what they want. I think I'd be lost in bed with someone who didn't know what they wanted." He looked over at Sylar, who was staring at him with a little too much rapt, fixated attention, like he was trying to burn this information into his definitely off-kilter brain. Sometimes Peter had the impression that Sylar thought Peter's ramblings would unlock some great secret of how to be normal, which Peter thought was a laugh if it were true.

Peter had noticed, of course, that Sylar seemed to enjoy simply listening to him. It was weird, but so was Sylar. Among the many things they could be doing and different ways they could be interacting, this one seemed pretty harmless. And Peter liked it. It was an ego-stroke. Every. Single. Damn. Time. He felt guilty for liking it so much. In fact, he liked it so much he didn't even mind when Sylar not-so-innocently steered the conversations in really odd, personal directions. Like tonight.

These weren't things Peter would have told anyone else, but Sylar already had Nathan's memories. Peter assumed this included the changing of diapers and embarrassing toddler experiences along with a host of dumb kid moments. While Sylar relentlessly dug at a side of Peter's life he'd never shared with Nathan, Peter was willing to share it because, seriously, the guy already had all the humiliating and incriminating data he needed. It wasn't like Peter was giving him any ammunition he didn't already have. And anyway, Sylar paid so much attention when he talked about this stuff. Even if Nathan's memories weren't in the mix, Peter might have blurted out all kinds of things just for the intent regard he got in reward.

Peter could have swore Sylar's eyes widened just a tiny bit as though he just now realized Peter might be waiting for some form of feedback. In reality, Peter was wondering what Sylar was going to do with a collection of information on Peter's opinions on sex (and yes, he knew that Sylar apparently had intentions that 'just talking' about it would not be the eventual extent of their interactions … Peter didn't particularly care about Sylar's plans - what happened would happen). Sylar swallowed, cleared his throat a little and offered, "Oh, yeah. I can totally understand that."

Peter looked away and chuckled, oddly tickled that Sylar was so into him. Or … maybe it wasn't so odd after all. Grinning warmly, the corners of his eyes crinkled deeply in genuine amusement and appreciation, he looked back at Sylar, whose eyes definitely widened at Peter's open, welcoming expression. Oh yeah. Sylar's always known what he wanted. Peter looked away again, his cheeks heating. He sighed happily, still pleased, still guilty, wondering how long it was going to take before what was going to happen … happened.

bricks, sylar, !fandom: heroes, peter, rated pg

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