Oct 07, 2007 14:05
You want to know what is worse than incests...?
Rude little children!
Seems to be a nasty infestation going on of hideous little toddlers running about causing all sorts of trouble!
It seems Lumiere is becoming a haven for such vermin, such a shame I cannot use the little darlings as target practice...
Or can I?
lets make a bonfire,
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Comments 59
But perhaps I am simply generalizing a bit too much.
Who might you be?
My name is Sakura. Who are you?
Sakura-chan! Oh, I have been terribly rude!
I'm Balthier, pleasure to meet you!
Perhaps I am just having a bit of bad luck with people lately!
Very unusual for me to be so unlucky as of late!
You hit the nail on the head! A bunch of field mice infesting the local park!
I can't say that I am familiar with such a dish, but I think children might be still worse.
Good God, that sounds awful!
I still don't think it can top any of the brats here, but still...
That is quite...nasty! A dead second!
Perhaps I could give them a little chat for you. I'm not above helping one in need.
How are you doing?
How is the plan going? I gathered some info, seems that you put the fear of GOD in dear ol' Matt!
He knows about you and Ms. Celeste, thread carefully...
Well, I also found picture of the cat!
It's name is Mr. Shoe...and that girl, Rena, seems obsessed with it.
She and Matt seem rather...close!
[ooc: I think I love Rule of the Rose]
As of now, I have not had the opportunity to talk to many people. However, it is a relief to know that few have any respect for Mr. Engarde. How sad for him!
Have I now? It's such a shame I can't see the poor dear shaking in his boots.
I will make sure to keep my watch. I will only talk to Ms. Celeste as long as it's in my favor to do so. The wretch shall know nothing.
Mr... Shoe? I see his naming sense isn't any better than his taste in television shows. I do hope poor Miss Rena will still love Mr. Shoe once his fur is all gone.
If she's as close to him as you say she is, I have a feeling she won't indulge any information about him to me, as he's most likely told her all about the situation.
I'm ready to move out the moment you are, Mr. Balthier.
[>:D Ooo, I'm so happy! *A*; I still have yet to play FFXII, but I will! I will!!]
You know I was only jo~king.
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