When it rains it pours!

Apr 25, 2017 21:16

Two days ago my half grown cat Ohno came home limping. Called the vet and brought him in today. After xrays...examination...the vet spouts off about some medical jargon and we decide to splint the leg. He said if he does not take to the $200. splint (if he goes nuts)then we will have to put a pin in with surgery (freakin $1,000.!). Cat is getting ( Read more... )

raccoon, cats, vets, ohno

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Comments 4

jade_lil April 26 2017, 07:20:43 UTC
awww, expensive, but hey, if it means saving "Ohno" then that's fine, yes? Also, I love the the sister's name. :D *hugs*


gambitsfox April 26 2017, 11:19:51 UTC
Yep....can't blame the cat. I knew when I saw them I had to name them that. Almost identical with fluffy orange and white fur. Reminded me of the color Ohno use to color his hair all the time. I should have known it would be him to get hurt....he's such a daredevil. Lol! Hey how are you doing? Hope everything is getting better on your end. Take care. 😊


24iza_run April 26 2017, 22:51:18 UTC
Uh...I'm not good with story related to cat's pain 😢 I hope Ohno will get soon and Mikan can play with him again. Their name are so cute btw <3

I'm sorry, I don't have experience with raccoon but is it bring harm to cats? Will they fight each other?


gambitsfox April 28 2017, 11:23:05 UTC
Ohno is getting around better with the splint but he just looks so sad...and cute. Raccoons are bigger than cats and they don't usually fight. But it will eat their food from them. You really don't want them around your house because they can carry rabies too. I'm gonna try to fix a pen outside for Ohno this weekend so he can see his sister.
Great to hear from You! Hope your doing ok. I'm doing great. So take care....talk to ya soon!😊


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