I'm so depressed!

Nov 08, 2016 23:26

WTF! How can this be happening?! I can't watch anymore! Trump.....that bastard is winning! I'm gonna be sick! I will never call him president! I hope the people that voted for him get stabbed in the back by him cause that is what he's gonna do. Turn us back to the dark ages when abortions were illegal....take gay rights away....kiss that Russian ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

jade_lil November 9 2016, 06:00:58 UTC
oh dear *hugs*


gambitsfox November 9 2016, 13:49:19 UTC
Last night I cried myself to sleep....I'm so ashamed of my country. Guess I should start thinking of buying a gun...even though I hate them. How else will I be able to defend myself when the economy callapses? Women sure won't have any rights. Maybe I should move to Canada.....seems the only decent place left. Anyway, how are you doing? I'm so backed up with great stories to read but I've been so busy......saw you put some more out.....maybe since I'm on vacation now I'll have a chance to read them. Hugs right back! : )


antimiya88 November 9 2016, 08:58:49 UTC
Oh my dear... *hugs* I can't believe it! Tbh I'm shocked! I thought we, Greeks, were the dumbest people in the world for having voted this government twice but then the Brexit came and now this! Unbelievable... I think globally sth is wrong. I was afraid he would be the winner but actually defeating Hillary in so many states?! I could never have predicted that. Many people who had voted Obama, now voted Trump! Wtf! It's like going back to the dark ages as you mentioned. He's literally a psycho... What I'm mostly disappointed at is that so many people with their vote proved that they share his sickening ideas and morals. And it is not just the US that will face the results of his election; it's the whole world . What can I say...? I pray it won't be a total disaster not only for the American citizens but for everyone!


gambitsfox November 9 2016, 14:08:32 UTC
I just feel like closing myself off from the world. Cried myself to sleep......Guess I should keep using the Internet until he thinks it's a threat to him. I've never taken to the notion of actually becoming a full blown prepper until now. It feels like doomsday is near. Damn I hate him! How can any make fun of the handicapped and take an oath to protect everyone? Guess I should get ready for my trip......seeing my surgeon for a check up and making a vacation out of it too. Hugs right back to you and I hope we both survive the next four years. God help us all! 😣


krystalkatz November 9 2016, 15:00:48 UTC
I try to stay out of the politics of other countries...More so when I have no idea how the election process works like America...But to be honest this time I was baffled at how, of all the decent honest people that there are in America, both Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton were the choices that you came up with...I honestly couldn't have voted for either of them and I can understand how you're feeling...But honestly it won't be as bad as you think it will be, at the very least I hope so...
I hope all goes well with your visit to the surgeon...It's been a while since I heard from you so I hope that everything else is okay...


gambitsfox November 11 2016, 12:53:10 UTC
I've taken a trip to Jacksonville to have a checkup with my surgeon....he says I won't have to visit him again unless there's a problem. So my friend and I are kicking up our heels here and having fun. Put my feet in the Atlantic.....damn Cold! Ate at Kazu'so again (they changed the name to Kazu's Sushi Burrito). Going to the zoo today....when we wake up....or at least he does lol! Yesterday we went on a hunt for melon bread....went to Circle Japan Cafe and met a woman there running it that loves Arashi Too! She had pictures and uchiwas up on display! She couldn't believe I knew about them....she loves Ohno best and she showed me more Johnny pictures saying she was going to visit there soon again. When I pointed out Ohno fingers she got excited that I knew about them too and she gave me the picture! She was out of melon bread but she just took some red bean bread out and she practically gave both of us some. It was hot and sweet and now I love that too! We are going back today for melon bread and more stuff to buy but I also need to ( ... )


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