Prompt Submisson Time!

Sep 02, 2008 07:10

It is prompt submission time!

Before we get to the format for the prompts, allow us to address a few of the questions asked in our first post and mentioned to us over the past week or so.

• Our tagline, I Will Not Be Afraid of Women comes from the Dar Williams’s song, As Cool As I Am. If you’ve never heard the song, please do as it is fantastic (and note her new album comes out Sept 9th *cough*). We promise it is not a dig at people who don’t always write gen female fics. Your mods are fans and writers of all sorts of fic and of characters of all genders and orientations.

• When we say multi-fandom, we really do mean it. We cannot, however, guarantee that people will write all prompts, but please feel free to write a prompt you submitted yourself. We swear that is not cheating.

• In terms of crossovers, it is specific to prompts. For example, I could submit a prompt for Atlantis/West Wing - CJ and Elizabeth - at a Conference. However, please do not take two separate, non-crossover prompts and cross them over or place the characters from one prompt into a different world.

If there are any other questions, please feel free to ask them in the post below so we can keep this one for prompts.

Now, on to the fun!

When submitting prompts, please use the following format:

Fandom(s)/ Characters/ Prompt

The prompts can take any form you wish - single word, quote, sentence, couplet - just please not a whole novel to make it easier to collect.

Please submit as many as you like and once the entire list is posted (hopefully by Wednesday of next week), please feel free to write as many as you wish!

Finally, if you cannot write but have prompt ideas, please do submit them. If you did not submit prompts, but want to write, we encourage you to do so. Or if you can only read and review, we will need that too.

So go! Prompt! Write! Read!

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