Round I - Results #03

Jun 05, 2006 20:52

Unfortunately we have to say goodbye to the following participant:

by thing_of_wonder with 05 negative vote

Thanks a lot for participating. Please feel free to stay around and vote :)

People's Choice

by known_anonymity with 05 positive votes

Mod's Choice

by cool_rush
The overall composition is very good. I like the chosen colors and text. The little light effect gives the whole icon a special touch. Well done.

Here is the amount of votes your icons got. If your icon isn't listed here, it means that it didn't get any negative/positive votes. Icon list


#01: 01

#02: 04

#03: 05

#04: 02

#05: 03
#06: 01

#08: 02

#09: 05

#10: 03


#01: 01

#04: 01

#06: 01

#07: 02

#08: 05

#10: 02


#04- its fun! Who wouldnt want Gale in their class?

#06 - great cropping and coloring, like the smooth effect

#07 - I love colors

#07 - nice cropping and coloring

#08 - I love the use of brushes, the posterized coloring and the crop. the composition is perfect. way to go!

#08 - just an overall great job!

#08 - It's an original take on the picture, and the coloring and text placement are really well done!

#08 - Nice use of color and text

#08 - beautiful icon

#10 - The icon is simple but still unique. I love the reversed image, the text placement, and the coloring.

#10 - i love the style of it.

Banners will be up soon.
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