Review | 9x05 | Dog Dean Afternoon

Nov 12, 2013 15:18

Dog Dean Afternoon by Eric Charmelo and Nicole Snyder is a rather silly episode, that borders on (and sometimes crosses over into) the embarrassing and crude, and as such I have my fair share of problems with it. However, there is also an interesting casefile, amiable Sam and Dean interaction and some minor developments on the Ezekiel front, so the ( Read more... )

spn: s9 episode reviews

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Comments 2

sherrilina November 19 2013, 13:33:47 UTC
I suspect the montage of irrelevant crazy/funny clips from throughout the show at the beginning was to demonstrate that crazier (or just as crazy stuff) has happened before...;).

Although frankly in terms of "enjoyment buried by ridiculous plot" I felt that a LOT more the previous week. To me a shaman spell that allows someone to communicate with animals is less of a stretch in this 'verse (especially when humans taking on animal form like shifters is an established thing) than the idea of an entire magical realm from storybooks actually existing.

And huh, I thought you would be bothered more by the constant angel-ex-mahina (which is far more extreme than it was with Cas), but I suppose I can see your reasoning. I enjoyed this episode a lot more than some of the other episodes this season. While the show doesn't approach the past, it is still a bit better than last season so far, it seems.


galathea_snb November 19 2013, 15:56:56 UTC
Hey, long time no see! :) I hope everything is well. *hugs*

To me a shaman spell that allows someone to communicate with animals is less of a stretch in this 'verse (especially when humans taking on animal form like shifters is an established thing) than the idea of an entire magical realm from storybooks actually existing.
Oh, I have no problem with the premise of the episode. As I said, I find the actual plot really interesting, it is just the execution that I have problems with, i.e. the way the animals talk and the awkward/embarrassing ways the spell affects Dean. I still enjoy the episode, though, just not as much as I would have if that aspect of the episode had been handled better. As for Slumber Party, the episode establishes that Oz is a part of the fairy world, so if you don't have a problem accepting the premise of Clap Your Hands If You Believe, you shouldn't have a problem with accepting the premise of Slumber Party either. ;)

I thought you would be bothered more by the constant angel-ex-machinaWell, let's just say that ( ... )


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