(no subject)

Jun 14, 2011 16:46

Title: When A Home Is A Menagerie
Author: gala_apples
Band(s): Panic At The Disco, My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Cobra Starship
Pairing(s): Mikey/Pete, Pete/Brendon, Mikey/Pete+Brendon, Brendon/Gabe. Mentions of Mikey/Alicia, Gabe/Nate.
Word Count: 28 171
Rating/Warnings: Internalized and external homophobia. Offensive atheists. Possible inaccuracies due to author heavily researching but not actually being Mormon. A scene of dub-con.
Summary:When the Uries don’t like Brendon’s performance at private school, they send him to a public school with lower expectations for senior year. What they’re not aware of is the mandatory community service credit Irving has for all seniors. Brendon decides not to tell them, instead taking the rare opportunity to finally make a decision of his own. Paws And Claws pet store might not be church affiliated, but what could be sinful about animals?

Brendon never had a large group of friends at Pine Crest. Or any friends, really. Alex Suarez isn’t particularly modest or pious, but he’s funny, and nice, and that’s more than Brendon’s ever had before. The other student at the pet store is harder to forgive. He looks highly alternative, and obviously smokes and has premarital sex.

With the sudden arrival of Mikey’s boyfriend over winter vacation, Brendon finds himself attracted, and terrified of that attraction. He heartily attempts to avoid awkward truths before finally giving in to his true nature, an act which costs him his church and family. But if there’s one lesson he’s learned senior year, it’s there is more than one way to live your life.

Part One
Part Two
Part Three

Bonus Tracks/Enhanced Content

Artwork by focusfixated

Shelter by vixalicious


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