Bad Day

Dec 12, 2007 17:05

Title: Bad Days
Part: 3 1/2 out of 4
Pairings: MinChun and Jaeho
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Yoochun works at a coffee shop with his friend, Jaejoong. Yoochun isn't the most friendliest person you'll meet, but, a (really, really hot) customer falls for him, chaos ensues. Sort of.
Previous: P. 1
P. 2
Part 3 1/2


Jaejoong is going through my closet.

My room is now a disaster area or the Bermuda Triangle.

I have tried on 18 different outfits with 6 different hairstyles.

Yunho will not let me eat anything claiming it will “ruin my appetite”.

I don’t have an excuse to go anywhere (especially work since stupid Junsu gave me the day off to “prepare”).

I have a date with that annoying Changmin.

Clothes are flying everywhere: left, right, center, wherever I happen to try to dodge it.

“How come you have no good clothes!!!” Jaejoong’s voice muffled by the clothes.

“I do, its just you’re too picky.”

“But this has to be PERFECT!”

I snort, “You make it sound like it’s your date. Actually, go on the date for me and tell me how it goes.”

Jaejoong tries to reply sarcastically (key word: tries), “Yeah, cause I love him oh so much!”

“Joongie!” Yunho shouts when he comes into the room, “You aren’t going to leave me are you!?”

Jaejoong looks up from the fort of clothing, “No, I love you! Only you, honey buns!”

“Oh schnooknums! I love you, too!”

Jaejoong opens up his arms wide and Yunho runs to hug him…. MY EYES!!! THE MAKE OUT COMMENCES!!! While covering my eyes, I search blindly for something to throw at them, “ENOUGH! MY APARTMENT, MY RULES! ONE, NO OPEN DISPLAYS OF AFFECTIONS EXCEPT FOR HUGS!”

I hear them part, thank god, and cautiously open my eyes. Phew, it’s safe.

“Oh yes, and rule numero dos, no disgusting ’pet names’ for each other. Only nicknames as in it has to do with your NAME not your BODYPARTS.”

The ever infamous Yunjae pout. Doesn’t work on me though.

“Chunnnniiiieee! We have some shopping to do.”



Yunho and I look at each other. This means only one thing… or maybe a few things.

1. Uh oh
2. Run away
3. Scream like a girl and run away



“Oooh! How about this one, Chunnie?”


“This one?”


“This one?”


“You’re being difficult.”

“You’re being ridiculous.”

“It would look sooo good on you!”

“It would look sooo good on me if people were blind!”

“But you’re an autumn!”

“And you’re retarded!”

“Don’t call my happy dooks ‘retarded’!”

“Your ‘happy dooks? What did I say about your weird pet names!?”

“We are no longer in your apartment!”

Why me!? First my room and now shopping!? I HATE shopping! You just go in, buy some shirts or whatever you need, then get out, as fast you can before those fake, smiley sales people make you buy something.

I walk away from them, since they’re all in ‘lovey dovey’ mode and I’ll barf if I watch another second more.


I place the last article of clothing into my closet and that took three hours. But now…

“Oh Yoochun! Time to prepare for your date!”


“But it’s only 7:00!”

“Exactly! To prepare for a proper date, it takes time, per say, two to three hours? Maybe even four.”

“…don’t you just brush your hair, put on some clothes, and put on some accessories? It only ever took me ten minutes.”

Jaejoong gapes at me in bewilderment.

“Whatever, get out so I can change.”

That broke him out of his trance, “Oh NO you’re not! You are going to take a shower, then put on your clothes, blow dry your hair, then maybe a little lip gloss…”


“Fine since your lips already look they have some one anyways.”


Jaejoong crosses his arms and gives me an oh-so-you-think-you’re-so-smart look, “And what for?”

I reply, “To make them a bluish-purplish color.”

“…I have naked baby pictures of you.”

“Hate you.”


“Yes, ma’am.”

~15 painful minutes later


“Keep still! If you keep moving, I won’t be able to get it!”


“Be a man and hold it in.”

Dammit, that’s the last time I’m letting him prepare me. I mean, he’s WAXING my EYEBROWS!
And now… whoa. No pain!
But then-


“Chunnie, when was the last time you brushed your hair!?”


7:58 pm. Two more minutes. Two more fast paced minutes. WHY!?
I check the mirror one last time to make sure it was too overdone. What’s worse than fearing that you look to plain for a guy you like is fearing that you overdid it for a guy you hate. I don’t want to do this!!!! It’s going to be hell. He’s going to order me around, smirking, having psychotic girls attack me, and did I mention the psychotic girls?

[to see what Yoochun looks like, click here, except for the smile, it’s more of a frown]

7:59 and 59 seconds, 58... 57... 56...

Jaeho walk into the room, hand in hand, “Lemur poo, you did such a fantastic job!”

Jaejoong beams, “Thanks so much jiggly nooks! Chunnie, will he be on time? Or will he be one of those cliché, ‘fashionably late’ kind of people?”

I stare at the clock instead of responding. I don’t care if he’s late. Hell, I don’t even care if he doesn’t show up.

33... 32... 31... 30


“Joongie, lets get something to eat, I’m hungry.”

I could tell from the silence that Jaejoong was giving him one of those looks. Excuse me while I shudder… I’m still scarred from that day when I was so close to seeing hell…
I hear a door shutting (it’s not mine, after that time, I put a bell on my door. Weird, but it works).

19... 18... 17... Maybe he won’t come! Maybe he forgot!

4... 3... 2... 1- Knock knock

Shit. I walk over to the door and… WHOA. My eyes widened and I swear I think my jaws were wide open. What a great image to present myself in.

[since I cannot describe Min’s hotness, click here for image]

“Nice to see I look presentable.”

Presentable isn’t even the word! It’s more… more… sexy. DID I JUST THINK THAT!?

“So… uh…”


Changmin peers curiously to the side, “Is everything alright?”

“Shit! I mean, lets go!” I say as I rush to put on my shoes and grab his hand run out.

“Eager, aren’t we?”


I stop running when we reach the parking lot, since I obviously don’t know what his car looks like. His eyes flicker towards my hand. I blush (crap) and let go immediately. I look away and face the parking lot. Where’s his car anyway?

“My car is this way.”


Changmin motioned towards his car… Oh. My. God. A frickin’ Lamborghini!

[link to car]


This is really awkward. He just complimented me. Not just that. I am now embarrassed because of it. Do I like him or something? Sure he’s hot, but he’s annoying! With all those stupid, annoying, delirious, deranged, crazy girls thinking he’s going to be their’s when he’s going to be mine….
Wait a minute….


Changmin stopped at the red light, “Realized that you’re attracted to me?”


“Then you have. About time. I was getting impatient.”


“I’m driving.”

“…I hate you.”

“Quite the contrary.”

“How would you know!? You a mind reader.”

“No, just a expression reader.”

“I don’t show emotion that easily!”

“You know that‘s a lie.”


“I am.”


This is a simple situation to get out of, by simply turning on the radio. That’s what I did while I took a quick glance at him. He really is handsome… wait a minute, is that a smirk!? THAT JERK!
I pout and cross my arms and look out the window.

“You look adorable when you do that.”


“I really mean it. And I apologize for earlier, I was being quite rude.”

“…” What am I supposed to say? Say ‘sorry’ when I was right? But I should say something… I feel guilty… Hold on, since when did I feel… shudder, guilty?

We sat in silence for the rest of the ride.

The car suddenly stopped, “We’re here.”

Changmin gets out of the car, and before I could he opens the door for me, “Monsieur.”

I would say something to that, but the entrance looks amazing. It’s all… breathtaking. I slowly make my way inside, behind Changmin. We walk up to the seater, “Nous avons une réservation*.”

Was that French!?

“Oui, Monsieur, redressez de cette façon*,” the waiter says and gives me this weird look [A/N:: by what he means is, the waiter was checking him out] and grabs the menus. All of a sudden, Changmin grabs onto my hand and has a stony look on his face.
“Nous voici*,” the waiter puts the menus on the table and winks at me before he leaves. What the hell was that!?

I forogt about it in a second and gape. This is just… way too beautiful. Now... that stupid waiter.

[link for restaurant]

I sit down, still gaping. How can this one annoying customer from one day force me into a date (technically Junsu, but he’s the one who provoked me, therefore, his fault), and end up going to a gorgeous place like this!?

“That waiter…”

“Hm?” I look at him. Oh, him. He has issues. What kind of waiter gives me that kinda look to a customer? Is he alright in the head? [A/N: he’s basically insulting himself there XD]

I open up the menu… to see it in French. Great.
I sneak a peek at him, but he’s fluent in French, he’s already proved that.

Not looking up from the menu, “Do you want me to order for you?”

“I- yes,” I say sheepishly.

He doesn’t respond and doesn’t say anything until the waiter comes, “nous voudrions le mignon, le bifteck, la langoustine, et le caviar de filet. Et apportez svp le meilleur vin que vous prenez. Quant au dessert, nous attendrons jusqu'à ce que nous ayons fini notre repas.*”

After the waiter left, I asked him what he ordered. He didn’t say anything and just looks at me, like the first time we met. I tried looking back at him, but that stupid guy had to ruin it and make me blush so I had to look away.


*We have a reservation
*Yes, sir, right this way
*here we are
*we would like the filet mignon, steak, lobster, and caviar. And please bring the best wine that you have. As for dessert, we'll wait until we have finished

A/N:: the date took longer than I expected XD and I had to do a lot of research... and searching... anyways, I hope you like this section, I don't so... -.- 
I'll post the second half as soon I finish writing it!  

yoomin. dbsk fic

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