Title: Coming and Going
Series: Heroes
Pairing: Mylar
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Violence.
Summary: Molly wants to go back home, but Mohinder is set on life in India.
A/N: Takes place after the end of the series.
Molly pressed to Mohinder's side, telling herself that she would be okay. Sylar wasn't supposed to be dangerous anymore. )
Comments 17
And yeah, about Sylar... Honestly, I hated that whole idea, especially since they threw it in at the end. Obviously my brain spun a fic out of it anyway, but the whole last season was amazingly frustrating.
Damn but that's a great line.
I loved seeing this from Molly's POV-- her being hidden away 'somewhere safe' was always something that bugged me most about the last seasons of the show. I mean, one mention, a throwaway line even, would've been nice.
Adored this <3
Thank you for reading! :)
I also adore Molly fic, so seeing this all from her POV was very refreshing and added a great twist to the Mohinder/Sylar dynamic. You really got into her head here and what I think her perceptions would be, of the events in her life and the other characters. I got that suffocating sensation she felt when seeing Sylar again, ( ... )
But yes, this is why we have fanfic! :) Thank you for reading!
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