So, I got a new
TV! It's pretty nice, a 26" LCD flat screen. I can finally see all of my inventory when playing games and stuff, since the top of the TV isn't dead/upside down/whatever like my old one.
Anyway, thinking about apping a few people to
suddenlyspace! Even... if all the people on my friends list already know about that gshg
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Comments 10
When an episode about the androphobic girl comes out I can RP her and we can get in a voice-typecasted relationship
Also, I'm gonna call it ahead of time and say they'll pull a 'Working!!', where the main guy crossdresses so he can talk to her without being beat up or something.
And meanwhile, Rock can hang out with the Robot Masters. And become a chore boy, lest he wants his head blown off. >:|
B-But he doesn't want to be a chore boy, and he needs his head! I dunno, I'll have to play more Legends 2, or app him from the end of Legends. And probably get more practice, considering I don't know how I did when I tried playing him here. It was my first time playing him though, so...
I'll probably app Scott once the game starts rolling, so you have time before Neil can show up, and yeah! Good luck with all of them, yo.
Ooh, alright! And yeah, I'm gonna need it haha, thanks.
yay for random gift tv's
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