Children are delightful creatures.

Sep 06, 2016 19:09

We had a field day for the whole school today. I ended up having to place three different phone calls to various parents once we were back.

It's extraordinary how they know all the rules and regulations by heart when asked, but when push comes to shove they just do whatever the fuck they want anyway.


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Comments 4

annas_corner September 6 2016, 17:58:49 UTC
Ah children. Delightful little critters, aren't they. Kidding aside, it is very frustrating when they don't listen and do things they know are not allowed.


gaffsie September 6 2016, 18:02:54 UTC
It just makes me so. tired. I know they're children, but c'mon.

* Don't hurt your classmates.
* Don't run away into the woods during field days.

Shouldn't be that hard to remember!


rules elderwitty September 7 2016, 04:08:23 UTC
Wait ... what was that first rule again?



Re: rules gaffsie September 7 2016, 14:03:12 UTC
We literally talked about this the first day of school! /o\


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