SGA peeps, your attention please.

Jul 31, 2011 12:32

If I were to create a community to take the place of mcsmooch and non_mcsmooch, would anyone else be interested in it?

mcsmooch hasn't been updated since January, and I've talked with the admin, who says that she's no longer interested in running it and that she wouldn't mind making an announcement about closing the comm for new entries (but not deleting the old ones! It would definitely remain as an archive) and pointing the existing members to the new community.

non_mcsmooch hasn't been updated since January either, but that's because it was created to be open at the same times as mcsmooch so that the other shippers could get a place to play when the McSheppers had their fun. I've emailed that admin to ask if she'd be willing to do let me use her comm for advertising, but she hasn't replied yet. Hopefully she'll say yes, otherwise I guess I'll have to fight her to the death or compromise or something.

I'm actually pretty excited about this. It made me sad to see the smooch comms abandoned, and I love the idea of collecting all kisses in one place, because the fandom is definitely at a place where that is the rational way to run things. Besides, we really need to get away from the McShep VS everyone else mentality now that the fandom isn't big enough to support that kind of schism.

Do you guys think this could work? Or do you hate the idea of all ships intermingling? Is it a worthy endeavour or just a waste of time?

ETA: debris_k beat the system!

Poll I really like polls.

ETA: New discussion post!

fandom, sga smooch, team sheppard

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