Hey, I have an actual Gaeta spoiler for the season finale, taken from a thread at the
Sci-Fi BSG Boards. (Warning: The thread this spoiler was taken from is HUGELY SPOILER'ISH.)
Roslin tries to rig the election against Baltar, using Dee and Tigh's help. Gaeta catches them, presumably ensuring Baltar's win.
Huh! Gaeta certainly is loyal to Baltar, or at least to the letter of the law. My straight-laced sweetheart, and a little Gaeta n' Dee angst doesn't hurt my battered 'shipper heart, nope.
At least they might be interacting. Maybe. Unless he catches them off screen. LOL!
I wonder how Baltar will reward him. *snicker*
That's all I have, but if you hear anything else, be sure to share it making sure it's behind a CLEARLY MARKED LJ CUT.