Drabble Bingo: Rules and Sign-up

Sep 15, 2010 21:38


1. Each bingo card is a randomized 3x3 grid filled with Gaeta prompts drawn from a super secret master list (well, we could show you the list, but where would be the fun in that?). The goal is to make a bingo on your card. A bingo can be made as a line, blackout, border, circle, X, or +.


Also a kind of line:






2. Squares are marked off toward a bingo or an extra by filling the prompt within the square. For each square a new short fic / drabble must be created. All fic has to involve Gaeta in some way, naturally. All ratings are allowed.

3. You can reuse any square on your card as many times as you like, however each submission for points requires a new fanwork.

4. Once you have completed your first bingo, you can request a new card.

5. Additionally to working on bingos, you can also submit extras. Extras are just fills for single prompts: Write one fic for one prompt, call it an extra, be done. However, you have to have submitted your first bingo before starting to work on extras.

6. All prompts are open to interpretation.

7. There will be awards for the winners. First place gets awesome art drawn by tin-o-biscuits. Second and third place will have to hope that we will still find somebody other than millari and me to supply them with art. The winners will be determined by who has earned the most points with their bingos and extras.

8. Once you have completed a bingo you must post it to the community to receive points.

9. Once you get your card, you can veto any of your prompts, but only if you can truthfully give one of these reasons:
a) it’s triggery
b) it’s disgusting
c) you’ve written this so often already that it bores you to tears

I only expect the latter one to happen, really.


Shout "BINGO!" very loudly and obnoxiously in your post. You should also shout it at your screen at home, just to make sure. Link to your card. List the fills that make up your bingo. Don't forget to link to those, too. Be proud of yourselves.


Points per combination

Bingo: line: 150 points
Bingo: x or +: 250 points
Bingo: circle: 200 points
Bingo: border: 400 points
Bingo: blackout: 500 points

Each extra: 30 points

You can start writing the moment you have your card. Last day of posting fic shall be October 15th.

Comment here, and you shall receive a card.


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